Teller Report

There are many mask trading routines, and even qualifications can be purchased online. Did you win?

3/9/2020, 4:40:47 PM

Zhongxin Jingwei Client, March 10th (Chang Tao Intern Lang Jingning) At present, the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still in a critical period. The demand for masks is still large, and the supply is still insufficient. presence. At the same time, some criminals are eyeing tight-fitting masks and taking the opportunity to "find a vote".

In order to remind consumers to brighten their eyes, the client of Zhongxin Jingwei summarized five routines in the process of buying and selling masks. In addition, a survey by a reporter from China and Singapore found that some criminals have purchased production and sales qualifications and product testing reports through online channels in order to gain consumers' trust in the quality of their masks.

Data Map Photo by Chang Tao, New Jingwei

Are there five ways of buying and selling masks?

Routine one: charge by time

There is a ridicule on the Internet: What is the saddest thing in life? I didn't buy a mask; what's more sad about life? I bought a mask, but it was fake.

The epidemic has popularized various types of masks for people, such as what are N95 masks and what are medical surgical masks. Taking ordinary medical surgical masks as an example, some people call it "SMS structure", S refers to a single-layer spunbond layer on both sides, and M refers to a single or multi-layer meltblown layer in the middle. The key to the mask's ability to isolate the virus lies in the middle meltblown layer.

However, according to the reporter of China New Jingwei, in reality, many consumers have bought "fake masks" which are substandard. Netizen Xiao A ordered some masks from Taobao some time ago. "At that time, the owner promised to use medical masks, which could play a protective role. I felt some drums at the time, and finally placed the order."

Xiao A didn't expect that when the goods were received, the seller's promise of medical masks would only be a thin layer. "Thin and translucent, the packaging is a plastic bag without any marks such as trademarks and certificates of qualification. I immediately applied for a return after receiving the goods." At this time, Xiao A found that Taobao had determined that the shop was selling fake masks , And shut it down, while telling consumers that the full payment will be refunded.

According to Ali, during the epidemic, Ali has intercepted and removed 570,000 masks of suspicious problems, and 15 shops have been permanently returned due to serious violations of regulations, of which 5 were transferred to law enforcement agencies and held legally responsible.

Ms. Zhang from Nanjing, Jiangsu also had similar experiences with Xiao A. She introduced to the reporter of Zhongxin Jingwei that on January 30, she purchased two boxes of medical masks from someone through WeChat group, but when she received the goods, she found that the masks were "very inferior, very thin and very transparent."

Photo courtesy of Ms. Zhang's masks

When Ms. Zhang requested a refund, the other party stated that "a refund can only be received after receiving a return." Ms. Zhang was worried that the returned masks would be sold again, causing more people to be deceived, and she "eat the dumb loss".

In addition to inferior masks, consumers have also bought "expired masks." For example, in Beijing, many consumers reported that they bought "antique masks" that expired almost 8 years on the Wumart Multipoint App.

According to media reports, Mr. Wang spent 500 yuan on the Wumart Multipoint App on February 18 to purchase a box of SASN958617Mask masks, and a box of 20 masks. Mr. Wang found that a label with “LotNo: 09180” was affixed to the bottom of the mask box, and a similar time number can be seen under the note through the label. Mr. Wang unveiled the label and found that it says that the production date is June 2009, and the deadline for use is June 2012. This means that this box of masks purchased by Mr. Wang on the Wumart Multipoint App has expired for nearly 8 years.

Routine 2: Stealing Beams for Columns

The next is the N95 mask list, but I received a normal protective mask; when I bought it, I received a mobile phone case and a bath towel when I received it. Sino-Singapore Jingwei reporters combed and found that "stealing beams and changing columns" occurred from time to time during the purchase and sale of masks.

According to CCTV reports, the police in Panjin, Liaoning, recently cracked a mask fraud involving millions of yuan. The victim Ms. Hao originally planned to buy a batch of masks to support the front line. After paying 2.18 million yuan to the seller, she received not a mask, but a mobile phone case and some books. Later, according to police investigations, the suspect Li not only did not have a source of masks at all, but also squandered the money he had defrauded, most of which was used for online gambling.

Source: CCTV report screenshot

According to Shenyang ’s announcement, on January 30, the Chengdong Lake Police Station in the Yuhong Sub-branch of Shenyang City received an alarm from the masses, saying that it had paid 500 yuan for N95 masks in the WeChat group, but the items received by the courier post were actually towels. At the same time, the alarm person also reported that many people in the WeChat group were deceived.

The suspect, Zhao Moumou, has been arrested by the police and the value of the case involved was more than 10,000 yuan. On March 5, the Yuhong District People ’s Court of Shenyang City publicly pronounced the crime case involving the epidemic, the crime of which was fraud, and the defendant Zhao Moumou was sentenced to one year and two months in prison.

Routine Three: False Delivery

Consumer Meow Meow (pseudonym) recently told the reporter from Zhongxin Jingwei that he had snapped up a few masks at a high price on an e-commerce platform in early February. After a long wait, the order showed delivery, but the logistics information was not updated. "Later, the platform sent me a text message saying that the goods I purchased were suspected of false delivery." Meow Meow said.

According to industry insiders, in this case, merchants want to use the characteristics of consumers to "forget orders after a long time" to cheat money. "Logistics information is not updated, consumers forget it after a long time, the money will be automatically called to the seller, when you think about it, you can only apply for a refund through the platform."

In addition to fake shipments, there are some membership-based e-commerce platforms that claim to have masks in stock to attract consumers to buy membership. Subsequently, the order for the mask was refunded on the ground of no goods. As a result, not only the product cost was not fully refunded, but the membership fee was also not refundable.

Zhongxin Jingwei reporter noticed that many consumers complained about the Dolphin App on the Internet, asking them to refund the full amount of the mask and membership fees, and questioned that they were attracting traffic by the epidemic.

The Dolphin App responded that because the supplier's materials were expropriated by the government, only a refund can be made. However, consumers did not buy it. The supplier stated that the payment date was February 1, and the Dolphin App was still selling masks in the next few days, enticing users to place orders.

Not only the e-commerce platform, some people also encountered "false delivery" when buying masks in the circle of friends.

On March 4th, the Procuratorate of Shanghai Pudong New Area reported a case: the suspect Zhou, who had no mask supplies, released the information on selling masks in a WeChat circle of friends, and the victim Han contacted Zhou after seeing it. 15,000 medical masks were purchased for 10,000 yuan, and 30,000 yuan was transferred to Zhou as a deposit through Alipay and WeChat. In order to continue to deceive the balance, Zhou used fake delivery methods to pretend that the mask had been shipped. After receiving the victim's balance of 35,000 yuan, the victim's WeChat and mobile phone numbers were blacklisted.

Routine 4: Raising prices

If you can't buy a mask in China, someone will set your sights on foreign purchasing. However, according to our reporter, the masks you purchase from the United States, South Korea, and other countries may have gone through layers of price increases.

The Sino-Singapore Jingwei client reported in February that some South Korean suppliers used information asymmetry to conceal inventory and start prices. The purchase price of masks has risen from 3 yuan / year to 20-25 yuan / piece. Some merchants even quoted a price of 48 yuan / piece.

In Japan, some e-commerce associations resell masks at high prices, and some prices are even ten times higher than market prices. Merchants said that due to changes in supply and demand, the price of masks will automatically change, but most of the people who buy masks at high prices are Chinese, and they will order in large quantities. The merchants also said that they made a lot of profits, earning 1 million yen a week ( (About 62,969 yuan).

Routine 5: Bundle sales

When the mask became a hot item, in order to use it to drive sales of other products, some merchants "smartly" came up with a "bundle sale" strategy.

On January 22, a citizen of Nanning reported to a media reporter that the common pharmacy in Dongge Road, Nanning City sells "flu kits", and guests cannot buy masks alone.

Law enforcement officers of the Market Supervision Bureau of Qingxiu District immediately rushed to the scene to investigate, and according to law, Wang Moumou, the manager of Nanning Dongge Store of the People's Great Pharmacy Chain (Guangxi) Co., Ltd., was investigated. Wang Moumou said that the store bundled medical masks, banlangen granules, and anti-viral oral liquids for sale on January 22, and it was his decision to take the bundled sales method. He did not report to the head office in advance, at 17: 20 phone report Lu Moumou, director of the company's operations, was stopped by the company.

Aiming at the ordinary people's pharmacy chain (Guangxi) Co., Ltd. Nanning Dongge shop bundled masks for suspected violations of relevant laws and regulations, the Qingxiu District Market Supervision Bureau has opened a case for investigation on January 22, 2020.

Previously, the multi-point App has also been questioned for allegedly selling masks in bundles. On February 4th, the multi-point APP launched two "mask packages". In addition to 5 KF94 masks imported from South Korea, it also matched A and B packages according to different ingredients. After this caused a lot of questions, the multi-point app no ​​longer sold mask packages.

Masks "three certificates" can be purchased online, 100 yuan for a full set

By avoiding the above five routines, can I definitely buy a qualified mask? The answer is not necessarily, because the seller's "my mask has three certificates is complete, guaranteeing quality" may be deceiving you.

A survey by a reporter from China Jingjing Wei found that, in order to gain consumers' trust in the quality of their masks, some fraudulent sales and counterfeiters purchased mask production, sales qualifications, and product test reports through online channels. His products may be "three No mask. "

It is understood that the so-called "three certificates" in the seller's mouth include medical device production licenses, product inspection and test reports, and business licenses of manufacturing enterprises.

Screenshot of chat with "mask qualified" seller

A "mask qualification" seller told the reporter: "A set of photos for the three certificates is 100 yuan, and there are many brand manufacturers distributed in Henan, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places to ensure authenticity and business information can be found." It also promised that "the average consumer will not doubt that the mask is fake when they see the three certificates, and can use it with confidence."

According to relevant lawyers, three maskless products refer to products without a production date, quality certificate (or production license), and without a manufacturer's name, or without a manufacturer's name, without a manufacturing site, and without a production sanitation license code. . Counterfeit masks refer to fake 3M and other well-known brand masks produced and sold by some enterprises. Fake masks, that is, masks of unqualified quality that do not meet national standards, industry standards or corporate standards, cannot protect against viruses.

The production and sale of three non-masks, counterfeit masks and fake masks are in violation of corresponding laws and regulations, and may constitute the crime of producing and selling medical equipment that does not meet the standards and the crime of producing and selling fake and shoddy products. Unlicensed production may constitute illegal business operations.

The lawyer of Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, Meng Bo, said in an interview with the client of Zhongxin Jingwei that according to relevant management measures, those who forged, altered, bought, sold, leased, or lent related medical device licenses should be seized or revoked by the original issuing authority. Illegal income shall be confiscated; if the illegal income is less than 10,000 yuan, a fine of 10,000 to 30,000 yuan shall be imposed; if the illegal income is more than 10,000 yuan, a fine of 3 to 5 times the illegal income shall be imposed; Public security organs shall be punished for public security management according to law. According to the above regulations, those who forge, alter, trade, lease, or lend medical device production and storage record certificates shall be ordered to correct by the food and drug supervision and administration department at or above the county level and imposed a fine of less than 10,000 yuan.

According to the Beijing Consumers Association staff, there are several steps to distinguish the authenticity of masks:

The first step is to see if the packaging is complete and neat;

The second step is to look at the printing, including whether the logo on the package, the typeface of the instructions for use are clear and the layout is beautiful. The masks with the Labor logo on the market are particularly important for the identification of "LA" printing;

The third step is to look at the logo, whether it is marked with the date of production, manufacturer, national label, etc .; whether it is within the warranty period.

For the identification of medical surgical masks, it depends on whether the packaging has "medical protective masks" or "medical surgical masks". If only "medical masks" are displayed, this is not a medical surgical mask. Its material and performance are both Lower than medical surgical masks.

It is understood that common medical surgical masks have three layers of filtration. Before purchasing, you can confirm whether there is YY0469-2011 on the package. The ones that meet the YY0469-2011 "Medical Surgical Masks" standard are the masks we need. Consumers can identify them through the official website of the State Drug Administration.

In addition, consumers can also distinguish between genuine and fake by checking whether the face of the mask is shiny on the face, whether it is free of fluff, stains, and whether the mask has an odor. And the mask printing process can also be distinguished: the text printing of genuine products is laser-etched, and is 45-degree twill. Due to cost and technical restrictions, fakes are generally printed by ink, and can not appear twill, and some are uneven dots. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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