Teller Report

The State Duma commented on the fall in oil prices after the OPEC +

3/9/2020, 9:27:16 AM

The First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Igor Ananskikh commented on a drop in oil prices by more than 30% in an interview with RT after the OPEC + meeting, which culminated in Russia's withdrawal from the deal.

“If we talk about the actions of the state, Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov said that even with minimal oil prices for three years, the state will calmly fulfill all its social obligations. So, no problems are expected for the population, ”the deputy said.

He also noted that the fall in oil against the background of the situation with OPEC + was "understandable and predictable."

“There is nothing unexpected. I think that after some time they will return to the price of $ 40-45, ”Ananskikh said.

Oil prices on Monday, March 9, fell more than 30% after the OPEC + meeting, which had previously ended with Russia's exit from the deal.

As of 07:41 Moscow time, the May futures of the Brent brand fell by 28.69%, to $ 32.28 per barrel, the April futures of the WTI brand - by 31.35%, to $ 28.33 per barrel.

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