Teller Report

The rise of new consumption scenarios! The gas station started selling vegetables, the chef went to take delivery

3/9/2020, 4:31:46 PM

China News Client Beijing, March 10th (Zuo Yukun), who was an opponent of the enemy, even fell in love in the live broadcast room? Can you buy a dish by adding fuel to the car? Eat ramen, the packaging is the same as the cold spirit? Take the meal to your takeaway little brother, may have cooked for you in your favorite restaurant?

It seems that "everything is messed up" is actually the rise of new consumption scenarios, and companies are doing extraordinary things in extraordinary times.

"Brother, gallop together! "

——Car companies sell cars to each other to cheer each other

During the epidemic, many companies were unhappy. Many car companies have attempted to sell cars live. When two anchors from different car brands met with each other during the live broadcast, what would happen?

Cadillac anchor to Lincoln anchor: "Hello fellow!"

FAW Toyota anchor to Red Flag anchor: "I wish the flag a victory, come on!"

Roewe anchor to MG anchor: "Brother, gallop together!"

Live screenshot.

This happened on the Taobao live broadcast on March 4. Many car store anchors even encouraged each other in the live broadcast room, and even helped the car sell out. The Dongfeng Peugeot car anchor in Wuhan has received the collective cheer from many car anchors, and has been commented by netizens as the most warm-hearted live studio "overturning" scene.

Why? Some people in the industry commented that the automobile industry involves many links such as manufacturing, logistics and transportation, parts procurement and supply, terminal sales, and service. It can be said that it is the longest manufacturing industry in the industry chain. The connection of the supply chain is extremely important and does not help each other. No one will be better off.

Passenger car market information joint meeting data show that affected by the advance of the Spring Festival and the impact of the epidemic, the national passenger car market retail in January was 1.699 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 21.5%, which is the lowest growth rate since the 2005 passenger union retail statistics. According to preliminary judgment, the retail growth rate of the national passenger car market in February fell by 80% year-on-year; the cumulative year-on-year decline in January-February reached 41%, the largest decline in nearly 20 years.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 30 OEMs including BAIC, Great Wall, FAW-Volkswagen, Dongfeng Nissan, Audi and others have announced policies to help dealer partners ease pressure and support supplier partners to resume production and resume production.

"I am Sinopec and my gas station has vegetables for sale"

——Only cross-border companies can't think of it.

Who was the cutest person during the epidemic? Of course, the "white angel" struggling in the front line. Among them, such a group of angels is particularly cute. In this group photo of medical staff supporting Wuhan, from the "Hunan Want Want Hospital" in the upper left corner to the large suitcase with Want Want stickers below the photo, people can't help wondering: Is this serious?

Image source: Weibo @Matt 旺 家.

That's right! This Want Want is Want Want Milk, Want Tsai Bun and Want Want Gift Pack. In this epidemic, "Wangwang Hospital" sent a total of 16 doctors and nurses from the Department of Critical Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, and Infectious Diseases (Infectious Diseases) to help out. This is the first government-run private hospital echelon in Hubei that was called in to support Hubei in history. In addition, it is the designated hospital for the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

If it is said that Wangwang Hospital was established in 2002 for a long time, then the next cross-border enterprise is "emergency, wisdom and wisdom".

The food industry can fight the epidemic and treat disease. Is it necessary for professional pharmaceutical companies to develop into the food industry? During the epidemic, hoarding instant noodles was the choice of many people. 999 Cold Ling saw this business opportunity and launched two chicken soup ramen, one with Cordyceps Flower Chicken Soup and the other with Herbal Pork Belly Chicken. It sounds very healthy.

With staple foods, of course, the problem of vegetables must be solved. “Without getting out of the car or opening the window, one-click delivery of food to the trunk”, Sinopec ’s more than 27,000 easy-to-use convenience stores, ranked the largest in the nation ’s convenience stores, began selling food across borders. After ordering online, go to the gas station, the staff will put the dishes in the trunk, and the whole process is "zero contact".

In addition, the same journey tourism unites the microphone store, the tourism industry cross-border e-commerce; the bank APP cross-border online consultation, live classroom; the financial institutions cross-border for take-out; five-star hotels open take-out channels ... enterprises cross-border only you can not think of That he couldn't do without him.

On February 20, GAC Group's self-made masks began mass production, with a daily production capacity of one million. Photo by Wang Hua

Of course, in addition to clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, there is also a hard-core cross-border that "what the people need, they create."

"Auto brand masks" came online quickly, beverage manufacturers sacrificed production lines to make disinfectants, and apparel companies suspended the production of "beautiful" protective products ... Some companies with cross-border strength took advantage of their potential advantages and synergistic capabilities to quickly transform workshops to more than 100,000 The daily output of tens of millions has filled the shortage of scarce supplies.

According to the survey statistics of Tianyan Inspection, since the beginning of this year, more than 3,000 companies in 64 industries across the country have added "masks, protective clothing, disinfectants, thermometers, medical devices" business.

"I'm a restaurant chef and a takeaway brother"

——Enterprises share employees to break the “labor shortage” and “too busy”

The guy from Shandong, Ming Hao, was originally an employee in the catering industry. The unexpected outbreak left him with no time to return to work, and the money in his pocket became less and less. In mid-February, he was anxious to receive the good news from his friends: a talent sharing plan of a logistics company turned him into a courier delivery person.

According to Minghao, the registration process is very simple. Fill out the personal work intention and residence address and other information. On the same day, a person from the human resources department contacted him and conducted a series of procedures such as physical examination and training. It took only three days to go smoothly. Get on the job. He was accustomed to cycling to work on weekdays. He quickly adapted to his work, got along well with the old couriers around him, and learned a lot.

"Previous work is also reserved for me, and I can return to my original position at any time after the epidemic is over." Minghao said that his friends share a lot of employees, some restaurant waiters have worked as cashiers in supermarkets, and "technical" Entered the assembly line of the factory.

Sharing employees is a temporary employment model created under special circumstances. Enterprises such as e-commerce and courier are facing a “labor shortage”, while employees in companies such as catering and tourism are “quickly busy”, so the two sides hit it off.

After the employees were "borrowed", the borrowed enterprise was supplemented by personnel. The borrowed enterprise reduced the labor cost and the employees received labor compensation. The earliest recruiting of shared employees was the online retail industry, and then gradually expanded to industries such as logistics and manufacturing.

The “shared staff” of a fresh food e-commerce platform and the catering company cooperated with the official staff of the platform to sort food. Photo by Yin Liqin

The shared employee's plate is already quite large. Suning Logistics said that since the launch of Suning's "Talent Sharing Program", more than 5,000 applications have been received. Hema said that as of March 6, nearly 4,000 “shared employees” from nearly 50 companies in the catering, hotel, and cinema industries have come to Hema immediately. According to Harrow Travel, as of March 6, its shared job plan has received 6,400 personal job demand information, and more than 1,000 employees have been employed.

"In the beginning, I feel a little embarrassed. It feels like someone else gave up the food. But slowly I realized that this is a win-win situation, and the new unit also needs us very much." Ming Hao now calls himself when chatting with friends. For "firefighters".

In this spring, many young people, like Minghao, have experienced despair and gained hope again.

Many "Minghao" and many companies are supporting and encouraging each other, and they are waiting for the spring in their hearts.

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