Teller Report

Practical guide against coronavirus

3/9/2020, 3:28:38 PM

What are the symptoms of SARS-CoV-2? The described symptoms of the new coronavirus are similar to those of the common flu: fever and fatigue, accompanied by dry cough and, in many

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What are the symptoms of SARS-CoV-2?

The described symptoms of the new coronavirus are similar to those of the common flu: fever and fatigue, accompanied by dry cough and, in many cases, dyspnea (shortness of breath). So are discharge and runny nose, sore throat and headache, fever, as well as chills and malaise.

How is it transmitted?

Like many other microorganisms, Wuhan's coronavirus (or SARS-CoV-2) is transmitted through droplets that leave the nose or mouth of an infected person when they cough or sneeze.

These secretions contain viral particles that can reach nearby people or deposit on nearby objects and surfaces. If someone touches these surfaces and then puts their hands to their own eyes, nose or mouth, the pathogen finds a way to enter the body.

How can I prevent the infection?

Experts believe that there are three fundamental measures to prevent infection: wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, and avoid close or prolonged contact with people with symptoms of the infection. " Handwashing is the cheapest and most effective measure to prevent this and other infections," says Jordi Vila, head of the Microbiology service at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. A wash of at least 20 seconds with soap and water is able to eliminate the pathogens present in the hands and break the possible chain of transmission of the virus. If the hands are not dirty, it is also useful to use a hydroalcoholic solution (with at least 60% alcohol).

What should I do if I suspect having the virus?

If you have symptoms compatible with the disease - such as fever, cough, fatigue or shortness of breath - and have had contact with an infected person or have traveled to a risky place, you should call the authorized number in each Autonomous Community (see end of text) or 112, where they will tell you what to do.

In what cases is the test done?

"Epidemiological and clinical criteria have been established to define in which cases the test is currently required," explains Antoni Trilla, head of the Epidemiology and Public Health service of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona.

From the epidemiological point of view, it is necessary to analyze if the patient has recently traveled (the incubation period of the virus is a maximum of 14 days) to areas of risk or with sustained transmission of the virus, such as China, South Korea, Iran or northern Italy. In addition, those people who had contact with a person with a proven coronavirus infection would also meet the epidemiological criteria.

It is also an indispensable requirement that the person develop symptoms compatible with the disease . "Both epidemiological and clinical criteria must be met," says Trilla.

The only case where the test is being indicated despite not meeting both criteria, says Ángel Asensio, head of the Preventive Medicine service of the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda (Madrid) is in patients suffering from viral pneumonia whose origin could not be defined .

In any case, it is always the Epidemiological Surveillance Service who, through 112, decides when and in what cases it is reasonable to perform the tests, says Trilla.

What is the coronavirus test?

To perform a test that verifies the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the most common is to take samples of the mucosa of the nasopharynx or oropharynx through a pharyngeal smear with a swab. Then, a test called PCR is carried out, which identifies the viral RNA, explains Ángel Asensio, head of the Preventive Medicine service at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda (Madrid). This test takes about three hours to produce results, although "it is expected that commercial kits will be available shortly to automate and do so in much less time."

What happens if I am a close contact of an infected person?

According to what is indicated in the document Procedure of action against cases of infection with the new coronavirus, of the Ministry of Health, in confirmed or probable cases it is necessary to follow up on close contacts (family members, caregivers, health workers, co-workers) ...) This follow-up consists of active surveillance (they must be available at all times). In addition, they are advised to limit their social activities and non-essential travel. All of them receive advice to maximize respiratory hygiene and handwashing measures and be aware of the development of any symptoms. In case they appear, they must also be isolated, either at home or in the hospital.

What if I am a casual contact?

Although an active search of these people is not performed, if a casual contact is identified, the recommendation is to perform passive surveillance; that is, only the individual is recommended to be attentive to the occurrence of respiratory symptoms. " They can lead a normal life , as a family, with friends and, in general, in the workplace," says the Health document.

What do I do if I must remain isolated?

After the detection of a positive case of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infection, hospital admission is not always necessary. Experts point out that, in patients with mild symptoms that do not present complications and are stable, isolation in the patient's home may be indicated.

In these situations, says the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Hygiene, it is necessary to comply with a series of recommendations, such as having a house with good ventilation, avoiding visits, trying to use an individual bathroom, etc. All the detailed information about these measures, here.

Phones by Autonomous Community

  • Andalusia: 955 54 50 60
  • Aragon: 061/112
  • Asturias: 061/112
  • Canary Islands: 900 112 031
  • Cantabria: 061/112
  • Castilla y León: 900 222 000
  • Castilla-La Mancha: 900 122 112
  • Catalonia: 061/112
  • Community of Madrid: 900 102 112
  • Valencian Community: 900 300 555
  • Extremadura: 061/112
  • Galicia: 900 400 116
  • Balearic Islands: 061/112
  • La Rioja: 941 298 333
  • Navarra: 948 290 290
  • Basque Country: 900 203 050
  • Region of Murcia: 900 121 212
  • Ceuta: 900 720 692
  • Melilla: 112

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Science and Health
  • Covid 19
  • Coronavirus

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