Teller Report

Mosbirzha raised the upper limit of the possible exchange rate

3/9/2020, 9:59:09 PM

Before March 10, the Moscow Exchange raised the upper limit of a possible change in the dollar and the euro.

It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the trading platform.

It is specified that the border of a possible change in the dollar exchange rate was increased from 70.445 rubles to 76.3951 rubles, and the euro - from 79.625 rubles to 87.3131 rubles.

The exchange also draws attention to that the final values ​​of the relevant changes will be published on the website until 09:00 Moscow time on March 10.

According to the agency, Mosbirzha raised the upper limit of the possible exchange rate and a number of other currencies.

Earlier, the Bank of Russia announced a decision not to buy currency on the domestic market within 30 days as part of the implementation of the budget rule.

About the situation with the exchange rate - in the material RT.