Teller Report

Lessons to leave Anfield alive: from the scar of Turin to the old (and happy) memory of Costa

3/9/2020, 11:31:31 AM

«Sometimes, the simplest things are the most complex. The best recipe for Anfield is to score a goal there. The reflection, from the other side of the Atlantic (Sao Paulo specifically),

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«Sometimes, the simplest things are the most complex. The best recipe for Anfield is to score a goal there. The reflection, from the other side of the Atlantic (Sao Paulo specifically), makes this newspaper Juanfran Torres , present in all the great episodes of Atlético de Simeone. «Marking on Stamford Bridge or Munich allowed us to reach two finals. And that Bayern de Guardiola (68% possession) squeezed us beautifully, ”he adds. That famous night of May 2016, Oblak got smoke from his gloves. Of the 13 Bavarian shots, he had to reject 12, including a penalty to Müller. But the rojiblancos had an answer and Griezmann found the key.

The counterpoint to what lived in Munich, occurred about a year ago in Turin. «We just don't dial there. The rest is to speak for speaking, ”simplifies the former red and white side. The problem is that this Atlético does not have a goal (44 in 37 games) or joy when crossing the door of the Metropolitan. He hasn't won out in 2020 yet and his three Champions visits resulted in two losses (Leverkusen and Turin) and one victory (Moscow).

Juanfran was one of those affected by the painful exhibition of Cristiano Ronaldo . Atletico, with a rent of two goals, appeared at Juventus Stadium as if some spell had ruined him: he did not try Szczesny once, he did not take a corner and his three pitches did not disturb the agitated Tifosi. Three of the four shots on Juve's door ended up inside.

"Learn from Turin"

Koke , one of the headlines in the Turin disaster, has this last nightmare in mind. «It was not us at any time. We have to learn from Turin so that it does not happen again, ”the rojiblanco captain reviewed in the Wanda auditorium, after the draw against Sevilla (2-2). «We know that if we are aggressive we can compete as in the first leg. Then anything can happen, but the essence can never be lost, ”he warned.

"We have been wrong in many things," admitted that dark evening a resigned Diego Pablo Simeone , after giving up an answer in the mysterious capital of Piedmont. The same place where he had visited many times defending the shirts of Pisa, being young, Inter Milan and Lazio, already consecrated as a world star.

Oblak , Saúl , Savic , Giménez and Correa , apart from Koke, lived from the trench those two different episodes. Precisely Giménez, whose image of desolation, sitting on the green between the Juventus festival, illustrates this report, is one of Simeone's doubts for that wall in charge of supporting the foreseeable onslaught of Liverpool. The charrúa has the high, but he has not played since the Super Cup final against Real Madrid, in Saudi Arabia, which he left enraged in extra time for a relapse.

Experiences in Liverpool

Costa tops off Chilean in Anfield, during her first visit.

Beyond what happened in the first round, on the Atlético squad there are several players who know how Liverpool spends them almost instantly when the stands turn off the mythical You'll never walk alone from their throats. Kieran Trippier , without going any further. A pubalgia operation prevented him from participating three weeks ago, on the grass where Klopp separated him from the sky with Tottenham, in the Champions League final. But the willing English right-handed side is ready to roll up on a stage where his greatest achievement was a miraculous draw (2-2) in the addition with the Spurs (17/18).

Then there is Diego Costa , who turned off Anfield on the first of his three visits with Chelsea (14/15). He is the only one who has desecrated the red sanctuary. Álvaro Morata , also with Chelsea, tried twice unsuccessfully.

And nobody is going to tell Felipe how oxygen is scarce in that particular atmosphere, which emanates from the mythical southern tribune The Kop. A year ago, nothing could be done in the goals of Keita and Firmino al Oporto.

Scars and lessons with which Atlético will have to learn to survive in the temple of Anfied.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • sports
  • Champions League
  • football
  • Atlético de Madrid

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