Teller Report

He researches the aforementioned running shoes

3/9/2020, 6:14:10 PM

Several marathon runners have set a record for the past six months with a new shoe model on their feet. At the Stockholm School of Sport and Sports, measurements are made on the shoes mentioned - which creates a great debate in the athletics world. - I imagine there will be a ban, says GIH professor Toni Arndt.

In the lab at the Gymnastics and Sports College (GIH), running shoes are on a table. They have been cut in the middle. Here, Toni Arndt, professor of biomechanics, and his colleagues examine the effect new running shoes have on performance.

The shoe model that is most in focus was launched in 2017 and, along with an even newer model from the same company, has been used by runners on several record occasions.

"Would say it's proven"

According to studies conducted, the new models cut energy consumption by four percent. Toni Arndt experiences the results as credible.

- There are several independent studies that have shown about the same. I would say that it is proven that there is an effect. Otherwise, not all of these records would be broken, he says.

For Toni Arndt, a new task has also appeared on the job description.

The new rules spark debate

Lately, he has been measuring shoes to check that they follow the regulations. Since the end of January, World Athletics (formerly IAAF) has introduced a limit for the shoes: a maximum of 40 millimeters of sole and prohibited by overlapping carbon plates. Shoes must also have been on the market for at least four months before being approved.

The message means that the shoes that are already on the market may be used at the Tokyo Olympics this summer as long as they meet the requirements. A decision that has drawn strong criticism from some quarters. At the same time, the investigation of the new technology continues.

- I imagine there will be a ban. And then the question is what to do with the record that has already been set? There I think you can draw the parallel with the shark costume. There, the costume was banned but the records were kept. I think we'll see something similar here, but we'll see, says Toni Arndt.

See the whole feature: the shoes mentioned work

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This is how the shoes mentioned work