Teller Report

[SUB STAR] Hong Seok-cheon, who came to Shincheonji members referring to Lee Man-hee

3/9/2020, 9:00:58 AM

The broadcaster, Hong Seok-cheon, gave a glimpse to members of the church, including Shin Man-ji, the general president of Lee Man-hee. Hong Seok-cheon said that the cohort quarantine measures were the first in the domestic apartment history in Daegu since the spread of Corona 19 on his Instagram on the 7th. I get a fever in the news. "

The broadcaster, Hong Seok-cheon, gave a glimpse to members of the church, including Shin Man-ji, the general president of Lee Man-hee.

Hong Seok-cheon said, “The cohort quarantine (whole quarantine) took place for the first time in Korea in Daegu after the spread of Corona19 on his Instagram on the 7th. It's feverish at such news. "

First of all, he said, "Wonders, please be willing to get a checkup. I'm not upset about your beliefs." But I'm angry at your incomprehensible behavior. Opened.

“For the medical staff who can't sleep at night and serve for the people of Daegu and Gyeongbuk who just feared and deprived their daily happiness, and for the defense officials who struggled to go home for a week, For the self-employed, for the grandmother and grandfather who lined up from dawn to get a mask for their grandchildren, please go to the hospital now. "

Meanwhile, Hong Seok-cheon added, "You can protest in front of my store to post these articles. It's been a few months since I lost tens of millions of won .. You're good at that.

Finally, he told Shincheonji President Lee Hee-hee, "Please do a good job before you die. Please give a group text to the members of Shincheonji who only listen to you. Built.
According to what is known, Shincheonji said in a press release on the day that the president said, "The untested saints cannot attend even if the corona 19 is calm and the worship is normal." He repeatedly appealed to do what he said.

(Photo = Hongseokcheon)

(SBS substar)

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