Teller Report

Young injured in a demonstration of "yellow vests" in Lyon: the IGPN seized

3/8/2020, 5:04:17 PM

The young man, who suffers from a broken jaw, was to be operated on Sunday following, according to the prosecution, "a suspicion of shooting LBD". "The prosecution has also identified four other seriously injured possible during this demonstration which gave rise to scenes of violence.

The young man, who suffers from a broken jaw, was to be operated on Sunday following, according to the prosecution, "a suspicion of shooting LBD". The prosecution also identified four other possible seriously injured during this demonstration which gave rise to scenes of violence.

An investigation was opened and entrusted to the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) following the injury of a 16-year-old teenager during a demonstration of "yellow vests" Saturday in Lyon, he said. we learned Sunday from the Lyon prosecutor's office.

Strong tensions with the police

The young man, who suffers from a broken jaw, was to be operated on Sunday following, according to the prosecution, "a suspicion of shooting LBD". The parents, who filed a complaint, had criticized AFP on Saturday for the attitude of the police which, according to the father, hampered the arrival of help. The prosecution also identified four other possible seriously injured during this demonstration which gave rise to scenes of violence.

He will therefore launch investigations to verify the context, nature and extent of the injuries for each of these cases and, if possible, conduct their hearings before seeing what legal action to take. For this 69th Saturday of mobilization of "yellow vests", the Lyon rally gathered several hundred people in the hyper-center of the city, despite a prefectural ban on demonstrations. Quickly, tension increased with the police who used a water lance vehicle and numerous shots of tear gas in the face of shots from glass bottles or paving stones.

Six police custody still in progress

Two banks were also damaged in a pedestrian street. A total of 24 police officers were injured, according to the prefecture. On the demonstrators side, a "Liaison Committee against police violence" identified 20 wounded, based on information from "street medics" (rescuers of demonstrations).

Seven people were arrested and placed in police custody, including two minors. A police custody has been lifted for medical reasons. The others continued on Sunday, said the prosecution.