Teller Report

US cruise ship off the coast of California

3/7/2020, 11:52:16 PM

A cruise ship off the coast of California in the U.S. where a positive reaction to the new coronavirus was reported by 21 passengers and crew…

All cruise ships off the coast of California continue to adjust as they enter the port.

For a cruise ship off the coast of California, U.S.A., where 21 passengers and occupants have tested positive for the new coronavirus, the U.S. government and operating companies will decide which port to enter and when to enter the port to conduct a screening of all boarding passengers. We are proceeding with adjustments.

The cruise ship is a "Grand Princess" operated by an American company, similar to the "Diamond Princess", which has been confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus.

Approximately 3,500 passengers and crew members are on board the "Grand Princess," and as a result of conducting on-board inspections of some people, 21 people, including two passengers and 19 crew members, have been infected by the virus. A positive reaction was given.

Vice President Pence of the United States has indicated that he plans to enter `` Grand Princess '' at a port where commercial vessels do not use and to inspect all members of the ship, about which port the US government and the operating company will enter at which port and when We are making adjustments.

According to the operating company, passengers are waiting in each room to prevent the spread of infection on board, and measures are taken to isolate positively crewed passengers.

One of the passengers was notified on NHK's interview on the morning of the morning of the interview on the 7th. It was explained that there was to do.

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