Teller Report

Tensions during the "act 69" of "yellow vests" organized in Lyon

3/7/2020, 4:07:34 PM

Calls to make the Rhône, and its number 69, the movement center for act 69 had circulated

A demonstration of yellow vests in Lyon last December. (illustration) - OLIVIER CHASSIGNOLE / AFP

Tensions erupted early Saturday afternoon a demonstration of "yellow vests" in Lyon, which gathered several hundred people in Place Bellecour. Shortly after the departure of the procession, which was heading towards the banks of the Rhône, the police force advanced their water lance vehicle to prevent the demonstrators from advancing.

Target of projectiles, including many glass bottles, the CRS responded with tear gas and made use of the water lance in the middle of onlookers who walked in the heart of downtown. For this 69th Saturday of mobilization, calls had been launched on leaflets and social networks to give the Lyon gathering a national dimension, with reference to the number of the Rhône department (69).

"We play our lives"

Among the demonstrators, some seemed ready to fight like one of them, very upset, launching to young people who were filming the scene: "Come with us, we're going to heat up". Others, irreducible "yellow vests", who continue to mobilize every Saturday, preferred to move away, remove their vests and speak from the bottom.

"Right now, we're playing our lives. We cannot let the government do things like that. Unemployment insurance reform in April. And when he finishes with the retreats, it will be Secu ”, predicts Louis, who came from Valence with two other demonstrators. “The municipal elections are an important deadline. Already it is always important the elected officials that we have. And then it makes the great voters and the Senate will change sides because they will take a pants "during the next senators in September, he says.

As since the beginning of the "yellow vests" movement, the Lyon peninsula and its shopping streets are the subject on Saturdays of a ban on demonstrations.


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  • Society
  • Demonstration
  • Lyon
  • Yellow vests