Teller Report

Ten Chinese and foreign crew members rescued in anchoring foreign cargo ship in Quanzhou Baykou, Fujian-Chinanews

3/7/2020, 2:52:51 PM

On March 5, the foreign cargo ship "Jiangong 8" anchored at Quanzhou Baykou, Fujian, was anchored due to strong winds and waves, and the ship suffered a main engine failure during the startup process, resulting in 2 mainland crew members, 1 Taiwanese crew member and 7 Burmese crew members are trapped.

In the early morning of the same day, after an abnormality was found and the situation was confirmed with the ship, the Quanzhou Maritime Department initiated an emergency plan. Due to the great wind and waves, rescue operations have been delayed.

At 16:00 on that day, offshore wind continued to strengthen. Due to equipment and technical reasons, the repair of the freighter host failed. In order to ensure the safety of the crew, after several abutments, at 1700, rescuers rescued 10 Chinese and foreign crew members safely. At present, the danger is still under tension.

(Video source Quanzhou Maritime Bureau correspondent Wang Li reporter Koning)

Editor-in-chief: [Lu Yan]