Teller Report

Italy isolates the entire region of Lombardy

3/7/2020, 8:37:16 PM

Italy isolates the entire Lombardy region and eleven provinces until at least April 3 to limit the spread of the corona virus, reports the Reuters news agency. Residents will only be able to leave the areas in exceptional cases and the authorities will also close, for example, gyms, ski resorts and other public places.

The information on the isolation is shown in a regulation that the government is expected to sign later on Saturday evening. The isolation covers the region of Lombardy and eleven provinces, mainly northern Italy. One of the cities covered is Milan.

In addition to limiting the residents' ability to move in and out of the areas, people's ability to move within the areas in question is also limited.

Closes public places

The government will close down schools, gyms, swimming pools, sports facilities, spa facilities, ski resorts, museums, cultural centers and dance venues. Shopping malls are closed during the weekends and no public events will be allowed.

One meter distance

Restaurants, bars and other commercial activities will remain open but guests must keep at least one meter distance between each other, writes Corriere della sera.

The number of infected people in Italy has risen from 4,636 people to 5883 people on Saturday.

The text is updated

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