Teller Report

Coronavirus, Italy third outbreak in the world by number of infections

3/7/2020, 6:49:28 PM

After China and South Korea, Italy is now the third outbreak of the new coronavirus epidemic, due to the number of infections. If in fact China now has 80,652 cases and South Korea 7,041, Italy is in third place, with 5,883, ahead of Iran, with 5,823. By number of deaths, however, Italy is the country most affected after China. If in fact there were 3,070 deaths in China, there were 233 in Italy and 145 in Iran. Much less deaths in South Korea, where there were 44: the relatively low number is explained by the fact that almost all the infections in South Korea they are connected to a religious sect, in the city of Daegu, whose members are not old and therefore the mortality rate is decidedly lower: 0.6% compared to almost 4% in Italy. The data are from Johns Hopkins University.


March 7, 2020 After China and South Korea, Italy is now the third outbreak of the new coronavirus epidemic, by number of infections.

If in fact China now has 80,652 cases and South Korea 7,041, Italy is in third place, with 5,883, ahead of Iran, with 5,823.

By number of deaths, however, Italy is the country most affected after China. If in fact there were 3,070 deaths in China, there were 233 in Italy and 145 in Iran. Much less deaths in South Korea, where there were 44: the relatively low number is explained by the fact that almost all the infections in South Korea they are connected to a religious sect, in the city of Daegu, whose members are not old and therefore the mortality rate is decidedly lower: 0.6% compared to almost 4% in Italy.

The data are from Johns Hopkins University.