Teller Report

A town of La Rioja, in check for the coronavirus

3/7/2020, 1:52:44 PM

"Forty almost complete apples" and "provide these people with all the services they require during the quarantine period." In two lines, the director of the Center of C

"Forty almost complete apples" and "provide these people with all the services they require during the quarantine period." In two lines, the director of the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES), Fernando Simón, summarizes the "drastic" and "difficult" measures that La Rioja has had to implement in a single town, in Haro . Everything, as a result of the supercontagio happened in a funeral of Vitoria a few days ago. This event has caused an outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus in this area that affects 39 people, six of them admitted.

With these figures, and according to the data of the Ministry of Health, La Rioja is now the autonomous community with the highest incidence in Spain, with a rate of 12.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Only Madrid and the Basque Country surpass it, both are around the two cases per 100,000 inhabitants. But "La Rioja is a population much smaller than others", so these 39 cases have to be "taken with special attention", especially since "they are also concentrated in a single town," argues Simon. Hence, this autonomy has had to take "very drastic measures to ensure that control is achieved [...] and thus avoid a major problem".

"Effective forces and state security forces have been deployed to ensure proper compliance with home insulation." For the Minister of Health, Sara Alba, "due to the precautionary principle to which we are obliged in this Ministry, it is necessary to take exceptional measures aimed at preventing the transmission of the disease ." It is about braking the situation forcefully.

For this, the Government delegate in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, María Marrodá, explained in a press conference the measures that are implemented in Haro, agreed with the Ministry of Health. For example: controlled access to the health center, reinforcement of home isolation control with state security forces and bodies, recommendation for cancellation of events in enclosed spaces, diagnosis of cases and epidemiological surveillance of all contacts, health monitoring of cases in home isolation by Primary Care, distribution of instructions to correctly perform home isolation, dissemination of the main health recommendations in collaboration with social and collective agents of La Rioja, suspension of conferences and conferences among health professionals , restriction of the number of companions and visits in the San Pedro Hospital and suspension of sanitary practices in the centers of the Public Health System.

"These are difficult measures to take, but it is necessary to implement them," says Fernando Simón. "It is a large group with very close contact that requires different measures than are usually proposed ." At the moment, according to the delegate of the Government in the Autonomous Community of La Rioja, " only six people remain admitted and are also associated with a single perfectly identified event [the funeral of Vitoria]". According to sources of the Ministry of Health of said autonomy, "they are in plant and evolve favorably."

The delegate of the Government in La Rioja, María Marrodán, has warned that failure to comply with the home isolation measures imposed by the coronavirus can result in an economic penalty of up to 600,000 euros.

In total, with the 39 infected from this outbreak, in Spain there are 441 positives for the SARS-CoV-2, 93 more than 24 hours ago . According to the assessment of the director of the CCAES, "almost all are associated with groups identified from known cases," so "the situation does not change and even in some areas is improved." Nor does it "increase the likelihood of community transmission."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Science and Health
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • China

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