Teller Report

Nathalie Poza stars in an awkward interview in La Resistencia: "You don't know who you invite"

3/6/2020, 2:07:28 PM

The Resistance received Nathalie Poza in his delivery issued at dawn on March 5-6. He went to promote the feature film Invisibles and ended up starring in an interview

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The Resistance received Nathalie Poza in his delivery issued at dawn on March 5-6. He went to promote the feature film Invisibles and ended up starring in a very awkward interview.

He did not start on the right foot, since just before his entry Grison confessed that he thought the guest of the day was "another cooler person".

He apologized for these words and said he wanted to say "more 'mainstream'", since he had understood that who was going to the program was Natalie Portman .

Poza came in and said that it was not the first time he faced this mistake: "It is very painful that they do not remember your name. I am also more of Buenafuente , but I am here today." David Broncano complained: "But why do I charge?"

The interpreter confirmed that she had come to Late Motiv several times and praised her driver, while De La Resistencia said: "I think it's a program for 'millennials' and I'm already very old." She revealed that Candela Peña was the one who convinced her to go.

The presenter proposed to him to talk about his new film, but she told him that it was not necessary if he did not even know what his title was: "It is not for young people. I do not think the success of the movie depends on you, I do not want to force you to talk about something you don't feel like. " He went on to say: "You have a problem, you don't know who you invite ."

The comedian asked him what he would recommend of his work to someone who didn't know her. She snapped at him: "I mean you, you haven't seen anything ... What a shame!" He showed that, in fact, he was not aware of the filmography of the guest and did not know what he had come to promote.

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Shortly after Poza told an anecdote about Greta Fernández and the Movistar + space conductor said: "He was here recently, I think. Wasn't he?" Doubt outraged the interviewee: "You don't even listen to us. It's embarrassing . I won't come back."

Laughing, Broncano exclaimed: "You have come here to do an audit of the program, you look like the state attorney ! But what is this? We function like this, day by day, surviving."

Later the comedian asked him if he had brought any gifts, as other guests do. She replied: "But if you don't know who I am , what am I going to bring to you?" Broncano said he was wrong, but she said: "I am an actress, I know if you lie or not."

He counterattacked: "You always say that. 'Oops, I'm an actress, I know how to identify emotions." She made fun of him and gave him a warning: "'I'm a presenter, I can tell you whatever I want.' Be careful with me ."

The presenter started saying: "I've seen you in ...". She interrupted him when she saw his cards: "Yes, read, read." He turned and told the director, Ricardo Castella , "I don't come anymore."

Shortly after Broncano said he was going to go with Grison to see the play that he stars in, Prostitution . She took revenge on the collaborator saying: "Who is Grison ?"

In another part of the interview, a screenwriter from the late show, Fernando Moraño , entered the set. He did it to promote a work of his that had sold few tickets. Nathalie Poza asked him: "How are you going to sell tickets if you work here?"

He released as he left: "If there is any more distressing moment in the program in which you want it to appear, let you know that I am willing."

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The ratings of Broncano and Nathalie Poza

David Broncano made an assessment of how the guest's attitude had changed throughout the interview: " You have gotten stung , then you have rejoiced a bit and now, seeing the riot that is this, you have again said that we are unfortunate , Can it be? Are you living a carousel of emotions? "

She shared: "Now I want to be here for a while ... You have a strange magnetism . You look, but you don't look at all, it's weird, you're like machining all the time." He described the presenter like this: "It's like from another planet. He's a weird uncle ... You are from another pasta, the great little ones are laughing."

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The questions

David Broncano asked how they went on time repeatedly during the last minutes of the interview. He went on to the recurring themes of "money and fuck," to which Nathalie Poza said: "But what is that? What are you doing?"

He explained what the classic questions of the Resistance consist of and, after seeing her laughing, decided: "We can not do them." She commented: "You destabilize and then you ask us what comes out of your cock ."

The actress was outraged after the presenter checked again how much time was left and indicated that it seemed that they were throwing it out: "It is a brutal irreverence. You have no education or shame or know her. But is this always the case?" He said: "This program is very strong."

The last minute and a half

To end the interview and dismiss the guest, Broncano asked the interpreter what she would do if she had a minute and a half free, which is what was left of time. At first she did not understand if she was referring to the last seconds of her life or not, but ended up answering: " Masturbating me ."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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