Teller Report

Government "Daegu's New Prospects May Decrease… I Can't Guarantee the Nation"

3/6/2020, 4:04:56 AM

While the government expects a slowdown in the number of new cases of coronavirus infection in Daegu, the nation's situation is unpredictable. It is a perception that we cannot slow down the tension because we do not know what kind of group infections are occurring in the whole country such as Gyeongsangbuk-do.

While the government predicts that the increase in the number of new coronavirus infections (Corona 19) will slow in Daegu, the nation's situation is unpredictable.

It is a perception that we cannot slow down the tension because we do not know what kind of group infections are occurring in the whole country such as Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Kim Kang-rip, the 1st General Coordinator for Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures, said in a regular briefing at the Sejong Government Complex today (it is very early to judge the future prospects). However, the 2nd and 3rd infections caused by these are also expected. "

"It's not easy to predict how the current faltering situation will evolve in the future, given that there's still a small group of infections all over the country, especially in Gyeongbuk," he said.

He said, "The Daegu Sincheonji-related (new confirmers) may probably be a bit smaller, but across the country, there were 100 more confirmed cases yesterday, and many of them were cases of group infections in Gyeongbuk." I added.

Before the weekend, the government has again stressed restraint on public gatherings, social aversion and compliance with personal hygiene rules.

General Manager Kim said, "You should stay home and refrain from going out and moving as much as possible and minimize contact with people to prevent the spread of Corona 19 nationwide." "I asked.

"We need to combine these efforts with government, local, and medical defense and treatment efforts to advance our future," he said.

On the other hand, the company said it will discuss whether to cancel the designated hospital based on the results of epidemiological investigations regarding the appearance of eight corona19 confirmed patients from Bundang Jesaeng Hospital designated as the National Anxiety Hospital.

On the 8th, the situation with Daegu over the release of the self-isolation of Shincheonji church members on the 8th was mixed. Is virtually impossible. "

In addition, the government said that it will consider reconsideration of small group facilities, such as nursing homes in Daegu and Gyeongbuk, to prevent Corona19 from spreading to vulnerable groups of people with disabilities and the elderly.

(Photo = Yonhap News)