Teller Report

Double Ovechkina, Panarin's assistant hat-trick and Kucherov’s 50th gear: how the Russians spent the game day in the NHL

3/6/2020, 8:22:16 AM

“Washington” in a dramatic match only in overtime lost to the “Rangers” (5: 6), and Russian hockey players became one of the main characters of the meeting. Alexander Ovechkin scored twice, Ilya Kovalchuk scored a goal and an assist, and Artemy Panarin assisted his partners three times. In other matches of the game of the day, Tampa Bay forward Nikita Kucherov scored the next two points, chalking up his 50th goal pass of the season, and Evgeni Malkin with 69 points went to 16th place in the scorers race.

Confrontation of Russians

At least for Russian fans, the main game of the day in the NHL was held in New York, where the local Rangers fought against the Capitals. The leaders of both teams are rightfully considered domestic hockey players, which they once again proved. Alexander Ovechkin chalked up two goals, Ilya Kovalchuk scored a goal and an assist, and Artemy Panarin three times acted as an assistant. As a result, the top with a minimum difference in the score (6: 5 OT) was won by the guests, in which one of the best meetings in the career was held by Mika Zibanezhad.

The Swedish striker hit the gate four times in regular time, and then added another accurate shot in overtime, repeating the achievement of the legendary Sergey Fedorov. In December 1996, the Russian Penta-trick allowed his “Detroit” to win - and also over “Washington”.

However, the success of Zibanezhad would not have been possible without the direct participation of the best Rangers scorer in the current season and another Russian. Panarin and Buchnevich twice took their partner to the shock position, and Artemy also helped distinguish himself and Tony Dianzhelo, performing a spectacular cutting pass. Moreover, its transmission in overtime can be safely called a work of art. The 10th number of the hosts took advantage of the confusion of the rivals and cut off the entire defense of “Washington” in one action. Mika had no choice but to score and interrupt an unsuccessful series of teams from three matches.

Panarin chalked up already 61 shows in the 2019/20 season and updated his personal record for this indicator. Last year, he made two goal passes less. As for the list of scorers, with 93 points, the Russian caught up with David Pastarnyak from Boston and took third place in the race for Art Ross Trophy. Just two points ahead of Connor McDavid (32 + 63) from Edmonton, and the leader of the phenomenal season, the Oilers forward Leon Dreisaitle with 110 (43 + 67) points tops the list.

Buchnevich excelled in the fourth game in a row and strengthened his status as the sixth best Rangers scorer. He has 42 (15 + 27) points, and he is only three points away from Chris Crider, fifth. Given the trauma of the American, the Russian has a great chance to get around him.

This meeting was also remembered by the successful actions of the Russian legionnaires of the guests - Ovechkin and Kovalchuk scored four scoring points for two. Moreover, if Alexander acted exclusively as a sniper, Ilya proved himself to be both the finalizer and the organizer of the attacks.

Already in the eighth minute, he scored Karl Hagelin, and in the middle of the second period he scored the first goal in the Capitals sweater. Kovalchuk escaped from behind the backs of the defenders and left the goalkeeper out of work. It is worth noting that at the moment this meeting has become for him the most successful in the “capital”. He not only scored two points, but also left the ice with a +3 usability index.

Ovechkin entered the game at a key moment and literally dragged the Capitals into overtime. First, he opened in the “office” and scored the fourth puck of the team, and 53 seconds before the final siren he restored the status quo again. This time he kept watch for the rebound after a long click of John Carlson and again became the leader of the dispute between the NHL snipers.

Ovechkin scored the 47th goal of the season and caught up with the leader of the race for "Maurice Richard Trophy" in the person of Pastarnyak. In addition, the captain of “Washington” has reduced the gap from Mike Gartner, who occupies seventh place in the list of the best snipers in the history of the NHL. On the account of the Russian there are 705 exact hits, and the legendary Canadian has three more.

As for the goalkeeper's duel, Alexander Georgiev and Ilya Samsonov are unlikely to record this match as an asset. The Rangers goal guard made 29 saves, and his vis-a-vis made four more, but the percentage of reflected throws for both was less than 85%.

Bombardier achievements of Kucherov

After a short respite taken in the game against Boston, the Russian Tampa Bay striker Nikita Kucherov scored a goal and an assist in the match against Montreal and helped the team win their first dry victory in a month.

Hockey players from Florida sent four unanswered goals into the goal of Carey Price's most expensive league goalkeeper. Earning $ 10.5 million per season, the Canadian managed to reflect only 19 shots. In his scoring episode, Nikita organized a two-run with Patrick Maroon, which he himself completed. In addition, the Russian also helped Viktor Hedman distinguish himself.

Thus, Kucherov scored 82 (32 + 50) points in 65 matches and reached seventh place in the scorers race. The Lightning leader walked around Patrick Kane of Chicago and approached Brad Marchan of Boston. On account of the Canadian 85 (28 + 57) points.

The main character of the match was recognized by Andrey Vasilevsky. The Tampa goalkeeper repelled 32 shots and for the third time this season left the goal intact. But if by this indicator he shares only the seventh place in the league, then by the number of victories he confidently holds the lead. With him in the "frame" the team prevailed 34 times.

Also, defender Mikhail Sergachev, who got into a fight with Shi Weber himself, became a participant in the bright episode. Opponents exchanged several shots on the side, after which the Russian showed miracles of reaction and left the Canadian’s most powerful right-wing cross, actually transferring the battle to the ground. The defender of “Montreal” managed to get to his feet and for a long time did not relent, but then he realized that his vis-a-vis was stronger.

Two assists by Malkin and a goal by Provorov

Pittsburgh striker Evgeni Malkin continues to demonstrate organizational skills while helping the team recover from an unsuccessful series of six consecutive defeats. Two days ago, the Penguins prevailed over the Ottawa, and this time broke the resistance of the Buffalo.

The meeting ended with a score of 4: 2 in favor of the guests, and Malkin chalked up two assists. First, he helped Markus Petterson excel in equal compositions, and then took an active part in realizing the numerical advantage. Eugene rolled out of the gate and put the puck in the stick of Patrick Hornquist. The Swede did not fail.

This success allowed Malkin to score 69 (21 + 48) points and be equal in this indicator with JT Miller. Forward “Vancouver” ranks 16th in the scorers ranking, but may very soon fall below.

The successful series was extended by Ivan Provorov. The defender of “Philadelphia” scored in the fourth match in a row, and this time acted as a sniper. In the first period of the confrontation with “Carolina”, the Russian managed to play on finishing after his own throw. Subsequently, the guests could not recover, losing with a score of 1: 4. It is worth noting that for the Flyers this success was the eighth in a row.

Provorov scored 36 (13 + 23) points in a season and strengthened his status as the top scorer among Russian defenders. His closest pursuer is Sergachev with 32 (9 + 23) points. The third line is occupied by Dmitry Orlov from “Washington” with 26 (3 + 23) effective actions.