Teller Report

Unscheduled coronation

3/5/2020, 5:49:27 PM

“Vladimir Putin at a government meeting drew attention to the amount of fake news that flooded our social networks. Like, the number of cases is huge, and information about this is hidden by the official authorities. The President noted that we can contrast only one thing with such actions - “timely, comprehensive and reliable information for citizens of the country.” This, in fact, is happening. Even Telegram has an official channel, Coronavirus. Operstab of Moscow ", where you can get information about the status of prevention and the fight against this disease first-hand."

“It’s getting quieter in the stands ...” - this is the leitmotif of the global pandemic that has captured not so much the airways as the minds of frightened humanity. The coronavirus creeps, flies and swims the planet. It spreads through newspaper strips, radio and television broadcasts. Masks disappear in pharmacies, people take medicine “just in case”, cancel their vacations and go down the subway with caution.

“Good-natured” neighbors from the near abroad, living under the motto “to hell with him that his hut burned down, the main thing is that the cow died from a neighbor” promises us a catastrophe. Yes, they promise: they put up a hand, arranging mass mailings in instant messengers. In informational guns only give a charge. An obligatory part of hybrid wars is the negative bombardment with a clear goal - to cause panic, despondency, and even better - mass hysteria.

Ask any climber what he is most afraid of, and he will tell you: "A man in panic." In critical conditions, a person in panic becomes the main threat to everyone else. It is impossible to control and very difficult to save. So the desire of enemies to spread fear among our citizens is understandable.

Vladimir Putin at a government meeting drew attention to the amount of fake news that flooded our social networks. Like, the number of cases is huge, and information about this is hidden by the official authorities. The President noted that we can contrast only one thing with such actions - “timely, comprehensive and reliable information for citizens of the country.” This, in fact, is happening. Even Telegram has an official channel, Coronavirus. Operstab of Moscow ”, where you can get information about the status of prevention and the fight against this disease first hand.

Let me retell the thesis of doctors in the next: the risk of dying from coronavirus for people under 39 is very low. For children - almost negligible. Of course, if you monitor your health and do not expose the body weakened by obesity or neglected diseases to the virus, you have nothing to fear. We do not tremble before SARS and the flu, we even cope with serious illnesses and live on. So why break into the abyss of madness?

Pay attention to the economic consequences of a coronavirus panic, and you will understand its root causes.

The forecast for global GDP growth was lowered by 0.5 percentage points - crazy money. Dow Jones, Nasdaq, NYSE, S&P lost 12.5% ​​of their total assets. The losses of the largest billionaires Bernard Arnault, Jeff Bezos, Amancio Ortega, Mark Zuckerberg and others are estimated at more than $ 140 billion due to the fall of the stock market. The economy as a whole has already lost more than $ 500 billion. Investors flee from China (hello, nationalization!), Oil production, the tourism industry and logistics calculate losses.

One thing is clear: the recession, no matter how deep it is, will be followed by growth. Yes, not all stock market speculators will survive such volatility (and the cause will be nerves, not the coronavirus). Well, for those who are trying to use the global problem to undermine the economy of others, I’ll say: regardless of whether you believe in karma, God or other subtle matters, life always repays debts. So, as the poet said, "watch yourself, be careful."

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.