Teller Report

Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony encourages each delegation to send two men and women flag bearers

3/5/2020, 3:07:14 AM

Data map: On February 10, local time, Tokyo, Japan, Odaiba Seaside Park displayed the Olympic rings and greeted the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.

On the evening of March 5th, Beijing time on March 5th, the International Olympic Committee President Bach said at a press conference that the International Olympic Committee will allow each country or region participating in the Tokyo Olympic Games to send men and women at the opening ceremony. Each athlete serves as a flag bearer.

Bach said that gender equality is always the goal pursued by the International Olympic Committee. The International Olympic Committee allows and encourages national or regional Olympic committees to send two athletes to serve as flag bearers. The proportion of female athletes at the Tokyo Olympics will reach 48.8%, the highest ever.

Screenshot of the official website of the International Olympic Committee.

Who will be the Chinese flag bearer? Some people suggested that the combination of female queuing captain Zhu Ting and male table tennis team captain Ma Long, the netizens joked: the dragon team suddenly birdies.

Screenshot of Weibo.

Some people suggested that Zhu Ting and Yi Jianlian, but think about the results of the men's basketball ...

Screenshot of Weibo.

It was also suggested that Lang Ping and Yao Ming, unfortunately neither of these are active athletes.

Screenshot of Weibo.

In the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, the flag-bearer of the Chinese delegation's opening ceremony was thunder, and the flag-bearer of the closing ceremony was national table tennis player Ding Ning. Who will be the flag bearer of the Chinese delegation at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics? We will wait and see. (Finish)