Teller Report

Siluanov spoke about Russia's losses due to the situation with COVID-2019 in the world

3/5/2020, 2:04:27 PM

The consequences of the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-2019 in the world affect the Russian economy. In particular, losses from imports from China and a partial cessation of air traffic lead to losses, said Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

“How will this epidemic affect the global economy?” Of course, it’s negative, because production closes, shops, restaurants close, consumption decreases, and trade decreases, everyone suffers from this. Of course, we are trying in every possible way here (in Russia. - RT ) to take measures so that this infection does not get to us and that we feel it to a lesser extent, ”said the head of the department during a lecture for students of the Financial University. Siluanov's words are quoted by TASS.

The Minister emphasized that due to the reduction in the volume of imports and import duties, "we lose about one billion rubles a day."

“Our air carriers began to fly less, people began to transport less both on a railway transport, and in air traffic. This is all the losses of the companies themselves, all this and a decrease in the volume of tourist flow to Russia, a decrease in the volume of consumption by foreign citizens - that is, it is all tied up, we are inside the global economy and, of course, this whole situation with the so-called coronavirus affects us, ” - summed up the head of the Ministry of Finance.

As the deputy chairman of the Central Bank Ksenia Yudaev previously said, the direct impact of the situation with coronavirus on the Russian economy is minimal.

According to her, there is “an indirect effect through a change in the situation in other countries.” All response tools for financial stability “have long been developed” and “repeatedly used before”.