Teller Report

Only Normandy Camembert with raw milk will be eligible for PDO

3/5/2020, 2:07:45 PM

No pasteurized milk camembert can display "Camembert de Normandie" on its packaging

A Normandy Camembert - Gerard Lacz / Rex Featu / REX / SIPA

After two years of debate, the decision fell: the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) "Camembert de Normandie" can only appear on cheeses produced in Normandy, with Normandy cows and raw milk, reports Le World . No pasteurized milk cheese can benefit from the appellation.

A large PDO project abandoned

In 2012, the Normandy PDO defense association sued manufacturers and distributors to remove the mention "Made in Normandy" from their pie charts. Some then expressed the wish to build a “great Camembert AOP of Normandy”. This would have included a “Heart of range” part (pasteurized milk cheeses from at least 30% from Normandy cows) and another “High-end” part (raw milk cheeses produced by at least 60% of cows Norman).

This will not be the case. The Defense and Management Organization (ODG) Camembert de Normandie decided on Tuesday to abandon this project after a negative vote. This ruling is a "disappointment", according to Patrick Mercier, the president of the ODG Camembert de Normandie. The authorities will now have to enforce this regulation "aimed at combating usurpation from manufacturers, but also from all resellers", he concluded.


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  • Society
  • Milk
  • Cow
  • Cheese