Teller Report

Masks and laser thermometers in a holy city of Medina without pilgrims

3/5/2020, 3:07:15 PM

In the holy city of Medina, the rosaries and the pilgrim's clothing have suddenly become masks. Since landing at his airport, a legion of chewing



    Medina (Saudi Arabia)

Updated Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 10:39 pm

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In the holy city of Medina, the rosaries and the pilgrim's clothing have suddenly become masks. Since landing at his airport, a legion of masks chases the traveler. Saudi Arabia, with only two known cases of coronavirus, has taken extreme preventive measures and, in an unpublished decision, suspended on Wednesday the umrah , the small pilgrimage to the holy places of Islam for locals and residents in the kingdom. cancellation affected

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