Teller Report

Imprisoned Dawit Isaak's daughter makes a play about the father's absence

3/5/2020, 5:52:39 PM

For the past 19 years, Bethlehem Isaak has not met her father, the imprisoned Eritrean-Swedish journalist Dawit Isaak. Now his daughter has written a book and created a show about his experiences growing up without a parent. - I want to tell you about Eritrea, I want to tell you about Sweden and what it can be like to grow up here, says Bethlehem Isaak.

- I want to tell my story, I want to tell about Eritrea, I want to tell about Sweden and what it can be like to grow up here, says Bethlehem Isaak during a rehearsal of the play I'm Bethlehem Dawit Isaak, at Angered's theater in Gothenburg.

The show premieres on March 6 and is based on Bethlehem Isaak's new book My Life Without You.

Life without a father

As a child, Bethlehem Isaak fled from Eritrea with her family. Her father, Dawit, had worked as a journalist at an Eritrea's largest independent newspaper. In Sweden he takes a job as a cleaner, but after a while he wants to return to his home country.

Bethlehem's mom says no, but Dawit Isaak is still traveling. This year is 19 years since Dawit Isaak was arrested by police and put in Eritrean prison without trial. There he is still sitting.

During his time in freedom, Dawit Isaak wrote several books and plays.

- The Apple does not fall far from the tree. It's fun, I got to follow my dad when he was doing children's theaters, says Bethlehem Isaak.

"I am awesome"

Actor Senait Imbaye plays the role of Bethlehem Isaak in the performance.

- Bethlehem's dad sacrifices himself and his time with his family for something bigger, a higher goal as well. I think it is admirable at the same time as it means that his children have not got to know him, ”says Senait Imbaye.

In her work on the book and play, Bethlehem Isaak has done a deep dive into herself and her story.

What did you come up with?

- That I'm cruel. That I am fabulous, and that I deserve to say it. I also say it as a call to other people. They are also cruel and it is okay to put it, Bethlehem Isaak says.

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