Teller Report

Hunan focuses on "three stability" in response to epidemic "big test"

3/5/2020, 2:22:21 PM

(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) Hunan Focuses on "Three Stability" in Response to Epidemic "Exam", Changsha, March 4th (Reporter Lu Yi) 15776 industrial enterprises above designated size in the province resumed work, a 98% rate of resumption; 26,400 enterprises in 144 industrial parks in the province, 20120 resumed; 173 key provinces under construction Construction projects and 3,668 city and state key projects have all resumed work ... This is a dazzling “response paper” for resumption of work resumed in Hunan.

Hu Weilin, director of the Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, introduced in a press conference on the 4th that facing the new crown pneumonia epidemic examination, Hunan has made efforts to stabilize key project investment, stabilize the real economy, and stabilize material security, and resolutely win the prevention and control of the epidemic. War and economic and social development are two "hard battles."

Cargo-to-cargo shipments were delivered to the Changsha International Railway Railway Port. Photo by Lu Yi

"Three High Leaders" stabilize investment in key projects

In order to promote the orderly resumption of production and production of key projects in Hunan Province, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government insisted on promoting at a high level. Leaders at all levels went deep into the project site and the production line of the enterprise to solve problems for the enterprise; set up special classes to implement the "one day, one dispatch, one "One day coordination, one day feedback" working mechanism, through high-density dispatching to help key projects to solve transportation, labor, raw material supply, large gaps in epidemic prevention materials, etc., to ensure accurate resumption of work and safety.

As of now, the construction of Changyi-Changzhou high-speed railway has been accelerated, with 10,259 people already on the job; construction of major projects such as Yongzhou Power Plant, Yazhong DC Project, and “Gasification Hunan” project is in full swing ... All major projects in Hunan Province under construction have been resumed, ensuring that High rate of return to work, ranking the forefront of the country.

It is reported that in 2020, the list of key construction projects in Hunan Province was released simultaneously on the same day, and the construction of the "four networks" of the transportation network, energy network, water conservancy network and information network was fully promoted, and more attention was paid to comprehensive water environment management and waste disposal, as well as medical, health, and old A number of social and people's livelihood projects, such as the renovation of old communities, will have a total investment of nearly 1 trillion yuan.

Workers at the key overseas Chinese enterprise, Sannuo Bio, work in the workshop. Photo by Yang Huafeng

"One Enterprise, One Strategy" Precisely Helps Stabilize the Real Economy

The real economy is the operating foundation and supporting force of the economy. Hu Weilin introduced that Hunan has given full play to the leading role and leading role of large enterprises and large parks to promote the stable operation of the real economy.

Keeping an eye on the “five 100” projects, Hunan has implemented “one enterprise, one policy” for precise assistance, and actively promoted the solution of the problems faced by enterprises and projects in the resumption of work. For the 100 billion parks, Hunan has established a provincial development and reform commission key industrial park liaison system , Forming 6 liaison working groups, focusing on 14 100 billion parks, as corporate liaisons, lecturers and coordinators.

In order to continue to promote the construction of standard factory buildings in Hunan, Hunan will implement differentiated subsidies for standard factory buildings newly built from 2019 to 2020, and award compensation at the rate of 120 yuan per square meter for southern Hunan and western Hunan, and 100 yuan per square meter for other regions in the province. The meta standard is rewarded.

According to Hu Weilin, after a thorough review of the policy documents issued by the central and Hunan provinces, there are currently 96 "dry goods" and "hard core" policies, ranging from tax incentives, financing loans, employment, financial compensation, operating costs, market supervision, and services. In terms of services, Hunan enterprises are supported to respond to the epidemic, resume work and resume production.

"Response the first time" Stabilize material security

The resumption of production and production of an enterprise cannot be separated from the effective protection of materials. In terms of energy security, Hunan, through the province's energy big data platform, comprehensively dispatched coal, electricity, oil, gas and other energy sources in the province, and helped more than 20 major energy companies in the province coordinate and solve problems during the epidemic.

At present, Hunan's power supply is abundant, and refined oil inventories are at historical highs. Natural gas consumption is lower than contracted supply. For the needy groups, Hunan also adopted timely price temporary subsidies, and reduced the cost of electricity for large industrial and general industrial and commercial users other than high-energy-consuming enterprises, which can help enterprises save 1 billion yuan from February to June.

In terms of anti-epidemic materials, Hunan fully supports a number of enterprises to expand production and shift production to capacity. At present, the tight supply situation of epidemic prevention supplies across the province has eased significantly. The expansion of masks has a significant effect on increasing production. While maintaining the frontline, grassroots, important window units, key projects of key enterprises, resumption of production, and national transfer tasks, the market for affordable masks in the province has been increased since March 1. Investment efforts continue to meet the basic needs of residents in production and life.

In terms of living materials, Hunan currently has sufficient living materials reserves, and the prices of daily necessities are basically stable. Wholesale markets, farmers' markets, supermarkets, and shopping malls have basically returned to normal business order.

"The epidemic situation will definitely have a certain impact on economic and social development, but the epidemic situation will not change the tenacity of the economic development of our country and our province." Hu Weilin said that Hunan has adhered to the development strategy of "innovation leading, opening up and rising" for many years. Multi-party advantages such as innovation, innovation, and openness have become increasingly prominent, and the business environment has continued to improve, which has laid a solid foundation for Hunan to turn crisis into an opportunity when facing the epidemic examination. "The profound economic and social changes induced by the epidemic have accelerated the forced liquidation of backward production capacity objectively, further opened the 'window' for deepening structural reforms, and will provide new opportunities for high-quality development." (Finish)