Teller Report

Frédéric Beigbeder's vitriolic post on the Césars: "Florence Foresti says she is disgusted, she is disgusting"

3/5/2020, 1:10:55 PM

Frédéric Beigbeder, guest of Europe 1 in & quot; L'Équipée sauvage & quot; Thursday, wanted to read on the air a ticket on the evening of Caesar, almost a week after the indignation aroused by the award of the César for best director to Roman Polanski. & nbsp;

Frédéric Beigbeder, guest of Europe 1 in "L'Équipée sauvage" on Thursday, wanted to read on the air a ticket about the César party, almost a week after the indignation aroused by the César award best director at Roman Polanski.

After the presentation of the César for best director to Roman Polanski, last Friday during the 45th César ceremony, actress Adèle Haenel left the room by launching "La shame". The mistress of ceremony Florence Foresti did not hesitate to multiply the spades with regard to the director whose twelve nominations for the César had already made controversy since he is currently accused of rape by twelve women. Guest of "L'Équipée sauvage" on Thursday, Frédéric Beigbeder, read a humor post, which he had prepared in advance, to give his opinion on the controversy. Here it is, in full.

>> INTERVIEW - "It looked like a playground", comments Anconina about Foresti and Darroussin at the César

"The Caesar ceremony confirmed in a particularly repulsive way all that I denounce in my book on dictatorial laughter: an evening which should be a tribute to the cinema has become a pitiful stand-up festival, a pack of free-wheeling hyenas Everyone went there with their funny sketch, like in a show at Club Med. Where did the cinema go?

This poor Florence Foresti who made herself known by costume imitations at Ruquier now takes herself for a great intellectual obliged to dispense her opinion on good and evil. She jokes about Polanski's waist to push him in his absence, the same Turkish head for three hours.

She knows nothing, neither in the cinema, nor in criminal law, but she is given the power and she uses it with absolute violence. The Swiss federal court ruled that Polanski had served his sentence. Florence Foresti and Adèle Haenel improvise as judges. Are they more competent to rule the law than the Swiss federal court, the supreme court of the Swiss confederation?

She says she is disgusted, she is disgusting. Well-thinking is intolerance. How to explain to a professional comedian that great art is located beyond good and evil? What does this joke ' J'accuse , a film about pedophilia in the 70s' mean? It's a joke ? ' J'accuse ' is the title of an article by Emile Zola who denounced an injustice, like Voltaire in the Calas affair.

By reducing J'accuse to the criminal record of her director, which she does not do with Ladj Ly, Florence Foresti does not even realize that she is reproducing the injustice of the Dreyfus affair. She condemns 50 years after the facts, considers that new, prescribed and unproven charges are enough to try a man without a lawyer. It reproduces the tragedy that Polanski recounts. "

"A beautiful column that only engages you"

After the reading of this post by Frédéric Beigbeder, Matthieu Noël tempered this speaking. "Nice column but that only engages you," he noted. "There are elements that I find right in what you say nonetheless, one cannot perhaps not care about the pain of women." "Adèle Haenel does not stand up against the film," he added.