Teller Report

Experts analyze how epidemiological investigations seized the real "vicious": choke the virus "throat" from the source-News-Global IC Trade Starts

3/5/2020, 2:16:21 PM

[Explanation] On March 4, Tong Yeqing, deputy director of the Institute of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control of Hubei Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, was interviewed by a reporter from China News Agency, and told how epidemiological investigations can be used to capture the real “fierce”.

[Contemporary] Tong Yeqing, Deputy Director, Institute of Infectious Disease Control, Hubei Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

I think our epidemiological investigation work is like a reconnaissance work in the front line. We can find the source and transmission route of the patient's infection through a detailed investigation of the epidemiology. At the same time, only we have identified the source of the patient's infection. And transmission channels, we can control the source of infection as soon as possible, cut off the transmission channels, and prevent further spread of the epidemic.

[Explanation] Tong Yeqing introduced that from the moment he received the notification of the transfer, the transfer officer entered a tense working state. Go to the ward for the first time to inquire about cases, issue an epidemiological investigation report based on the information obtained, and find out close contacts.

[Contemporary] Tong Yeqing, Deputy Director, Institute of Infectious Disease Control, Hubei Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Generally speaking, all cases need to complete the epidemiological investigation within 24 hours. After completing the epidemiological investigation, we will upload relevant epidemiological cases to an information network in our country.

[Explanation] Faced with a large amount of fragmented information, the mediator needs to have a very strong comprehensive quality to find the key clues in the "sand rushing for gold" and successfully seize the real "fierce".

[Contemporary] Tong Yeqing, Deputy Director, Institute of Infectious Disease Control, Hubei Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

For an investigator to have strong logical reasoning skills, you need to analyze the truth of the epidemic from the complex information feedback from the patient and some related clues.

[Explanation] At this stage, the rapid rise of the epidemic situation in Hubei Province has been contained. Tong Yeqing believes that at the later stage of the epidemic, accurate epidemiological investigations are needed. It is necessary to find out whether all the cases are in the sight of management and to find, judge and control the source of infection more comprehensively.

[Contemporary] Tong Yeqing, Deputy Director, Institute of Infectious Disease Control, Hubei Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

We have already told some relevant key places and relevant key areas that some key places must be "one case, one warning, one verification". This is the state of the "three one" warning. Only if we achieve such a state of early warning and verification can we achieve "early detection, early diagnosis, early isolation, and early treatment."

[Explanation] Tong Yeqing said that the trend of the epidemic does not mean that the public can relax their vigilance. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Tong Yeqing's "flow team" has fought more than 60 days and nights in the field. Tong Yeqing said that everyone still maintains a high fighting force, and the epidemic will never retreat.

[Contemporary] Tong Yeqing, Deputy Director, Institute of Infectious Disease Control, Hubei Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Through this epidemic situation, I think we in Wuhan have truly achieved the confidence and determination of the government to lead the disease and the participation of the whole society in disease prevention and control. As long as we maintain such a confidence and determination, I think that we in Wuhan and Hubei Province will have no hardships, and we will certainly be able to win the fight against epidemic prevention.

Reporter Zou Hao Xu Pengpeng reports from Wuhan

Editor-in-chief: [Lu Yan]

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