Teller Report

Eric Dier goes up to the stands to explain himself with an insulting supporter

3/5/2020, 7:28:27 AM

The supporter in question spent the match insulting Eric Dier and his brother, who was next to him in the stands

Eric Dier facing Norwich. - ADRIAN DENNIS / AFP

This is an image that should make history. After the elimination of Tottenham in the FA Cup by Norwich on Wednesday evening, Eric Dier rushed into the stands to explain himself with a supporter who had insulted him and his brother during the match.

"Eric Dier did what none of us professionals should do but that, in these circumstances, we would all do it for him," said Mourinho, whose team was beaten 3 shots, at a press conference. to 2 (1-1 ap) by the red Premier League lantern.

- Prem Out Of Context (@NoContextEPL) March 4, 2020

One thing we can take from all of this is that Eric Dier does not give a fuck about coronavirus.

- IB (@shevyendowed) March 5, 2020

"When someone insults you in front of your family and they find themselves mixed up with this person who insults you, in this case his little brother ... Eric did what a professional should not do but, I repeat, what we would probably all do, "insisted the Portuguese coach of Spurs.


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  • Tottenham
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