Teller Report

Dialysis treatment is urgent… Confusion over Wrong Hospital Guide

3/5/2020, 12:32:24 PM

A man who needs dialysis treatment for kidney disease has been infected with Corona19. After a few days of dialysis, the health authorities needed a quick response, and health response to this patient still reveals loopholes in managing high-risk patients.


A man who needs dialysis treatment for kidney disease has been infected with Corona19. After a few days of dialysis, the health authorities needed a quick response, and health response to this patient still reveals loopholes in managing high-risk patients.

What happened, reporter Kim Hye-min.


Shim, a kidney ill who receives hemodialysis three times a week, has not had fever or dialysis this week since the weekend.

Afterwards, I was screened for corona19 at Kyungpook National University Screening Clinic and received a day confirmation yesterday (4 days).

In response to the urgent need for dialysis treatment, the Daegu Buk-gu Health Center said it would take action as soon as possible.

[Sim Mo: 'I have not been dialysis on Saturday, so far, I'm not feeling well', so I will find out as soon as possible. .]

Sim received a text message to be hospitalized at the Red Cross Hospital this morning, but Sim heard a wild story.

[Sim Mo: (at the Red Cross Hospital) 'I don't accept corona dialysis patients now.' 'I think there's an error in Daegu, we'll contact Daegu and ask you again.' .]

According to the Corona19 Patient Classification Guidelines, Sim should be assigned a high-risk patient for dialysis.

[Shim Mo: My tongue has already tasted right now. I just don't feel like it. I've been waiting for now. I'm only eating water.]

Shim was notified that the media would be sent to Seoul National University Hospital after the press began.

(Video Editing: Kim Jong-tae)