Teller Report

After the biathlon - Fredrik Lindström is called in as an expert

3/5/2020, 9:14:13 AM

Following the spread of the corona virus in northern Italy, SVT Sports biathlon expert Helena Ekholm has been placed on a temporary quarantine. Ekholm, who recently came home from the World Cup in Italian Antholz, will therefore not comment on the upcoming competitions in Nove Mesto. Fredrik Lindström, who left his elite job as late as last spring, is now called in as an emergency expert. - It's great fun that Fredrik can leave his medical studies at short notice, says SVT Sports biathlon commentator Ola Bränholm.

The corona virus has gained a strong foothold in northern Italy and recently the first case was discovered in the Trentino-South Tyrol region. One of the main resorts in the province is Antholz where the biathlon World Cup recently ended, a championship that SVT broadcast. According to the guidelines of the Public Health Authority, SVT Sports employees who were on site in Antholz have now been quarantined.

"Wise and analytical"

Among the quarantined employees is SVT Sports biathlon expert Helena Ekholm. The decision means that the relay gold medalist from Pyeongchang, Fredrik Lindström, is now called in as an emergency solution.

- I think it is sad that Helena can not participate, but you must understand that you take precautionary measures, says SVT biathlon commentator Ola Bränholm.

30-year-old Fredrik Lindström left the biathlon career as late as last spring and is now studying for a doctor in Umeå.

- It's great fun that Fredrik can leave his medical studies at short notice to work as an expert. Fredrik knows all riders and competed last spring. He is also wise and analytical who has lived in biathlon all his life, says Bränholm.

The competitions in Nove Mesto will run without crowds with fear of the spread of the corona virus. Despite empty stands, the competitions in the Czech Republic are highly interesting with Swedish eyes seen. With a few competitions left on the season, Sweden's biathlon star Hanna Öberg has the chance to take home the prestigious first place in the overall World Cup.

- Hanna has the chance to become the first Swedish overall winner since Helena Ekholm, says Bränholm.

CLIP: Overview of the women's biathlon (February 22, 2020)

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View from the women's biathlon Photo: SVT

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