Teller Report

What would a transition to stage 3 entail in the fight against the coronavirus?

3/4/2020, 6:21:16 PM

France is, for the moment, in stage 2 of its plan to fight Covid-19. It could progress to the next stage in the event of active circulation of the virus throughout the country

A family doctor wears a mask during a consultation in Morbihan. - Loic VENANCE

  • Hexagon is in phase 2 of its plan to fight the coronavirus.
  • According to Emmanuel Macron, France has entered "a phase that will last for weeks, and probably even months".
  • In the event of moving to phase 3 of its plan, the government could rely on measures announced in 2011 to fight an influenza pandemic.

" We have entered a phase that will last for weeks, and probably even months. " Tuesday, during a visit to the operational center which coordinates the management of the coronavirus crisis, Emmanuel Macron wanted to be reassuring. The president assured that France should not immediately pass to phase 3 of its plan of fight against Covid-19. But, given the number of cases that are increasing every day, it still seems " unlikely " that it will escape the epidemic stage, government spokeswoman Sibeth Ndiaye said on Wednesday, AFP reported. .

The country is, for the moment, in phase 2. This concretely means that there is " no active circulation of the virus, but only sporadic cases", explains a methodological guide of " preparation for the epidemic risk Covid- 19 , available on the website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. These homes are "taken care of individually as part of a secure course of care with identification and monitoring of their contacts". " Clusters [hotbeds of contamination] may appear and are subject to specific care measures , it is added.

To go to stage 3, there must be " active circulation of the virus throughout the country, " says the Directorate General of Health at 20 Minutes . We would then move from a containment strategy to a mitigation strategy. Concerning the measures that the government would take in the event of going to the next level, those concerning the health system are partly disclosed in the methodological guide of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. Those concerning the population are similar to the measures set out in the Prevention and control plan drawn up in 2011 in the event of an influenza pandemic. " This is a base that the government will adapt to the specificity of the coronavirus, " confirms the Directorate General of Health.

Mobilization of all health facilities

Stage 3, or epidemic stage, will first of all impose full mobilization of the health system in all its components (city medicine, health establishments and medico-social establishments) , can we read in the methodological guide of " Covid-19 epidemic risk preparation".

All health establishments " must be able to participate in the diagnosis and care of Covid-19 patients, just as medical and social establishments must take charge: be able to identify Covid-19 patients and put in place implement isolation measures in their establishment if necessary , ensures the Ministry of Solidarity and Health in this document. In addition to health establishments, liberal health professionals, home care services and home help services may also be mobilized.

Moving to a mitigation strategy will also mean that mild patients will be kept at home " as long as their clinical condition allows " . " This home support system will aim not to saturate the hospitalization capacities of health establishments and will make it possible to reserve the resources of health establishments for the most serious cases " , continues the guide.

Closure of educational institutions

For the population, several so-called barrier measures are set out in the plan drawn up by the government in 2011 in the event of an influenza pandemic. They concern the gradual closure of crèches and educational establishments, first for those in isolated places, then at the territorial level, and finally at the national level.

The measures also take into account the protection of specific populations. The government can restrict visits to collective accommodation establishments, close structures welcoming minors and set up specific reception structures for homeless people with flu.

The government would also request, in the case of stage 3, a limitation of non-essential travel and possibly suspend certain public transport. A restriction of large gatherings and collective activities is, finally, envisaged.


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  • school
  • Transport
  • Hospital
  • France
  • coronavirus
  • Virus
  • Health