Teller Report

Upbeat movement

3/4/2020, 5:42:11 PM

“One cannot fail to mention in connection with this the one that took place on the eve of the Nemtsov Memorial March, where there was nothing from the memory, but there were many protests against the amendments. However, polls showed: a very frequent response of the protesters is “honestly, I haven’t read the amendments.” The funny thing is that when asked what they do not like about strengthening the role of parliamentarism, the answer was: “Really? Is there such a thing? ” In short, darkness, darkness, the Middle Ages. There is not so much text to read, but reading is an occupation, which the present "progressive community" apparently does not have in honor, therefore it is so. "

I read the full text of the presidential amendments to the Constitution with great pleasure. It is very gratifying that many of the fundamental questions that were discussed by representatives of a healthy adequate majority of Russian society received quite worthy answers in the amendments.

Amendments were made by our president, but these are not his personal wishes for the basic law. It is very important to understand that the formulations written based on the discussion at the meetings of the working group are the result of extensive discussions and painstaking work, in which our civil society was involved in its broadest composition. Look at the composition of the working group and evaluate: there everything (from athletes to cultural figures) is represented by representatives of various professions and experienced parliamentarians - lawyers.

One cannot fail to mention in connection with this the one that took place on the eve of the Nemtsov Memorial March, where there was nothing from the memory, but there were many protests against the amendments. However, polls showed: a very frequent response of the protesters - “honestly, I have not read the amendments.” The funny thing is that when asked why they do not like the strengthening of the role of parliamentarism, the answer was: “Really? Is there such a thing? ” In short, darkness, darkness, the Middle Ages. There is not so much text to read, but reading is an occupation, which the present "progressive community" apparently does not have in honor, therefore it is so.

What did you want to see in the amendments and what did I see? First, the mention of God. It is, and it’s very soft and neat, if atheists are offended, I don’t know what to talk about with them at all.

“The Russian Federation, united by a thousand-year history, preserving the memory of the ancestors who transmitted to us the ideals and faith in God, as well as the continuity in the development of the Russian state, recognizes the historically established state unity” - a very correct formulation. Because it is the foundation. Values ​​are formed on the basis of the concepts of good and evil, and the concepts of good and evil stem from the existence of God - and nothing else. This is a necessary starting point, because otherwise, if there is no God, then everything is permitted.

The whole spiritual heresy that we have to confront today: the legalization of euthanasia, the rights of sexual minorities is more important than the rights of the majority, and so on, is all a denial of life itself, and therefore a denial of God.

The second logically follows from the second. “Protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood; defending the institution of marriage as a union of a man and a woman; creation of conditions for decent upbringing of children in the family, as well as for adult children to take care of their parents. ” These are the very bricks from which the building of society is built - healthy families.

Unlike European countries that have lost more sovereignty, we, having sovereignty, have the strength to articulate what most people in the world really want. Healthy families are the key to the healthy reproduction of humanity and the prosperity of society.

State-forming role of the Russian people. Again a very soft and thoughtful wording. “The official language of the Russian Federation throughout its territory is Russian as the language of a state-forming people that is part of the multinational union of equal peoples of the Russian Federation.”

All peoples are equal, but more than 80% of Russians. It is logical that the majority language is the state language, and the people are state-forming. At the same time, all other peoples still have the right to teach their children their native languages, and the state is obliged to help them in this and provide all kinds of support: "The Russian Federation guarantees all its peoples the right to preserve their native language, create conditions for its study and development." The situation when the Russian people in their country did not have a fixed status in the Constitution was unfair, especially considering the historical and cultural role of the Russian people in the formation of the Russian state. Now this injustice is corrected.

It is impossible to ignore cave Russophobia, which prevails today in such former Soviet republics as Ukraine, Georgia, as in the Baltic states. All of them are now at the forefront in the Russophobic international. And this challenge doubly obliges us today to consolidate the status of the Russian people in the fundamental law of the country.

Another important point - the amendments stipulate the state’s obligation to protect Russians around the world. "Russia provides support to compatriots living abroad in the exercise of their rights, ensuring the protection of their interests and maintaining an all-Russian cultural identity." Historical justice is finally restored! Everyone - both neighbors and distant lands - should know that Russia will always protect Russians. This is vital in the conditions of actively introducing Russophobia, because if before for Europeans Jews were to blame for everything, now Russians are to blame.

The main thing is that as a result of the revision of the document by the State Duma, some disappointing amendment does not sneak into the final version. This, alas, happened, but I hope that this time the presidential and public control are quite serious. What we are witnessing today is encouraging. Finally, we are off the ground and are ready to clearly, clearly, unequivocally declare ourselves: who we are, why and where we are going. Without this, it is impossible to move forward.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.