Teller Report

SVT's medical reports on new nasal spray to cure depression

3/4/2020, 9:48:22 PM

The EU approved nasal spray is intended for people who are not helped by antidepressant tablets. But the drug is criticized by scientists and doctors. In tonight's News SVT's medical reports talk about the new drug that has sparked a debate in the medical field.

The nasal spray is said to have a fast effect but contains the drug-classified substance esketamine, which is a stronger variant of the anesthetic and party drug ketamine.

- We have the pharmaceutical companies in the US and the EU that have reviewed the studies and decided that it should be approved. Then we have the strong questioning and criticism that comes from several researchers and doctors who think the studies are flawed, says medicine reporter Josefin Lennen Merckx.

The critics say, among other things, that you know too little about the long-term effects and how the body is affected.

"They also see a risk that people who start to like the drug are looking for a similar drug, ketamine, which is on the open market as a street drug," says Josefin Lennen Merckx.

Not clearly applicable to Sweden

Whether the drug will be available in Sweden is not yet clear. The NT Council will first conduct an investigation. Thereafter, health care should decide whether it is sufficiently effective and worth the money, explains Josefin Lennen Merckx.

How big is the risk of creating an addiction?

- The manufacturer says that the substance has properties that could lead to misuse or abuse. You want to minimize this by only taking it under supervision in care.

See more from Wednesday's News in the clip above.