Teller Report

Sundling won the sprint after a strong rally

3/4/2020, 4:12:16 PM

Jonna Sundling won the freestyle sprint in Konnerud outside Drammen. This after a dramatic ending where she was only third in the rally.

- The track was difficult and I'm so glad I made it to the finals. We were strong as a team today and it was fun to go when things went so well for the team, ”says Sundling in SVT's broadcast.

Sundling made it to the final after getting a lucky loser place after the semi-finals.

Nadine Fähndrich, finished second, was first in the rally and Sundling made his way on an outer lane while Linn Svahn did not come in the middle and finished third. Maja Dahlqvist finished fifth.

- She set the curve really well and came out with high speed, says SVT Sports expert Anders Blomquist about Sundling who took two placements on the run.

- I didn't think so, Blomquist admits.

It was Sundling's third sprint victory in the World Cup.

Hanna Falk made a comeback in the World Cup after her back surgery. She was 29th in qualifying and reached the quarterfinals where she was sixth and last in the second heat.