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New crown virus can self-test at home? Another wave of rumors online, please pay attention to identify

3/4/2020, 8:48:16 PM

New crown virus can self-test at home?

Another wave of rumors comes online, please pay attention to "protection"!

Can new coronavirus self-test at home? Can firecrackers eliminate the virus? Freshwater fish can spread new crown pneumonia. Can't eat fish recently? Can anti-static clothing be used to isolate new coronaviruses? "Ignition" identifies masks ...

While preventing and controlling the new crown pneumonia epidemic, from time to time in the WeChat group and circle of friends, there will be various rumors about new crown pneumonia, these rumors are labeled as "scientific evidence", it really looks like that, But is it true?

Can new coronavirus self-test at home ?

Truth: New Crown Virus Detection Kit Does Not Have a Home Edition

Since the outbreak, some people who do not know the truth have become suspicious, always worried that they are infected by the virus.

Not long ago, a test kit that claims to be able to self-test whether it is infected with the new crown virus has quietly appeared in the WeChat circle of friends. The seller claims that after taking blood at the fingertips at home, it only takes 15 minutes to detect whether he is infected with the new crown virus with a self-test box, which can be judged with the naked eye. The scope of application is also specifically marked, suitable for use in enterprises' return to work, student return to school, and personal screening. The seller claims that such a new crown virus self-test box is priced at 150 yuan per unit, and you can enjoy discounts if you buy more. Periodic testing is recommended during the epidemic, and each family is always available.

Is the home self-test version of the "new coronavirus antibody detection kit" sold in WeChat real?

In response, the Beijing Municipal Drug Administration said that there is no home version of the new coronavirus detection kit.

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Drug Administration reminds the public that these new and approved coronavirus detection kits require medical institutions with PCR laboratories and special equipment to complete the test, and ordinary citizens cannot use them at home. At present, the epidemic of new-type coronavirus pneumonia is still in a critical period of prevention. Citizens should not trust the false propaganda of “Wei Quotient”, and they should seek medical treatment promptly if relevant symptoms occur.

Shanghai epidemic prevention experts recommend setting off firecrackers to eliminate the virus?

Truth: Can't suppress the virus, but can cause strong irritation to the respiratory tract

In the past two days, an article on "Shanghai Epidemic Prevention Experts: Proposing Fireworks and Firecrackers in Epidemic Areas to Eliminate Viruses in" Aerosols "" has been circulating on the Internet. According to the article, health and epidemic prevention experts pointed out at a recent press conference in Shanghai that the transmission route of New Coronary Pneumonia also includes aerosol transmission ... The best way to sterilize with gaseous compounds in large space control is to set off fireworks and firecrackers.

However, it was verified that at a recent press conference held in Shanghai, no one had made the suggestion of "proposing fireworks and firecrackers in epidemic areas to eliminate viruses". The smoke from fireworks and firecrackers does not inhibit the new crown virus, but it will strongly stimulate the human respiratory tract and even increase the risk of infection. The release of sulfur dioxide from fireworks and firecrackers can cause irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the skin and eyes after contact with the human body. Inhalation of sulfur dioxide will seriously weaken or destroy the immune function and defense ability of the respiratory system, and induce and aggravate various respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic Bronchitis and acute respiratory tract injury are substances that the human body should avoid contacting.

In addition, aerosol transmission must meet the three conditions of confined space, long time, and high concentration of virus at the same time, and there is the possibility of transmission under extreme conditions. There is little possibility of aerosol transmission in well-ventilated daily life.

Can freshwater fish spread new crown pneumonia?

The truth: mammalian viruses cannot multiply in aquatic animals

Recently, some citizens saw a "Notice" on WeChat group: "Don't eat freshwater fish, because in many places, there is a habit of setting up toilets on fish ponds or washing toilets in fish ponds. Now it has been confirmed that the feces have transmitted the virus. "

Zeng Lingbing, a second-level researcher at the Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences and an expert in the prevention and control of viral diseases in the national bulk freshwater fish industry technology system, said that so far, no mermaid-borne infectious diseases have been found and reported in the world because of temperature changes. Aquatic animals and thermostatic mammals live in completely different environments. Aquatic animal viruses cannot infect mammals and mammalian viruses cannot multiply in aquatic animals. So far, no aquatic products and new coronaviruses and new coronavirus pneumonia have been found. Have any direct links.

"Current research shows that the main route of transmission of the new coronavirus is through respiratory droplets and contact, and there is no evidence that it can infect fish. For this new coronavirus, fish and water are like other objects on the surface. It's just a place that may exist temporarily. "Li Qingyong, an engineer at Huizhou Fishery Research and Extension Center, also said.

"Regardless of viruses, bacteria, or parasites, conventional cooking can completely kill them." Li Qingyong said that for freshwater fish, regardless of whether the new coronavirus is transmitted through the feces, freshwater fish can be eaten, but cooked thoroughly . Aquatic products such as fish are rich in high-value and high-quality nutrients such as protein, minerals, vitamins, cholesterol, and low fat. As long as a reasonable choice is made, eating more aquatic products is not only safe, but also helps to strengthen the physique and resist disease transmission.

Zeng Lingbing said that aquatic products are a high-quality and safe source of animal protein and food for human beings, aquaculture animals are healthy, edible aquatic products are safe, and have a significant promotion effect on improving human immunity.

Can anti-static clothing be used to isolate new coronaviruses?

Truth: Antistatic clothing has no functional layer to filter, block viruses or fine particles

There are rumors that if you want to go out, you can better avoid exposure to the new crown virus by wearing antistatic clothing. is this real?

Wu Haibo, an associate professor at the College of Textiles, Donghua University, explained that static electricity is an objective natural phenomenon that can be generated in various ways, such as contact, friction, and peeling. When people walk in ordinary clothes, they will generate a large electrostatic voltage (> 1000V), but they will not occur when walking in antistatic clothing. Anti-static clothing is made of special anti-static clean fabric, which has the characteristics of high-efficiency anti-static, dust-proof performance, thinness and clear texture.

"Common clothing chemical fibers have a low moisture regain. In a dry environment, static electricity is easily generated after friction. Cotton fibers and viscose fibers, such as natural or regenerated cellulose fibers, have a high moisture reversion rate and are easy to absorb moisture in the air. Relatively speaking, it is not easy to form electrostatic accumulation. In the antistatic functional clothing, in order to further improve the antistatic performance, metal conductive fibers and antistatic synthetic fibers that are not easy to accumulate static electricity are added. Such materials can effectively reduce dust and small particulate matter Deposits on the surface of clothing. "Wu Haibo said.

Wu Haibo said that masks or protective clothing used for the protection of new types of coronaviruses mainly achieve the core protective function through a layer of non-woven material that filters and blocks viruses or fine particles. However, antistatic clothing does not have a functional layer that filters and blocks viruses or fine particles. When the virus-laden fine particles are passed through non-static adsorption methods, such as airflow transmission, droplet transmission, and contact with the surface of anti-static clothing, the virus or fine particles may still pass through the anti-static clothing and contact the human body. Therefore, wearing antistatic clothing outside can not achieve better protection against the new type of coronavirus.

Ignition method can identify the authenticity of masks?

Truth: The melting effect does not prove that the intermediate layer is a meltblown nonwoven material

Remove the opening cover, take out the middle layer, and light it with a lighter. No flame is the real thing, and flame is the fake. Recently, such a "Medical Mask Authentic Test" video has been circulating in the circle of friends. Is this true?

Zhang Yi, a professor at the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Central South University, said that this method of combustion detection cannot simply distinguish between genuine and fake masks.

Earlier, there were rumors from the media, saying that the main materials of masks are polypropylene and so on. Polypropylene is a thermoplastic resin made by polymerizing propylene. The material itself is flammable. Relevant national standards also only stipulate the "flammability" of masks, there is no requirement of "non-flammable". Whether a mask can be ignited is not a criterion for authenticating it.

"The relevant rumor content from the media is well-founded, but it is not comprehensive." Zhang Yi said that the key to the protective effect of the mask is the middle layer, which is made of polypropylene polymer commonly known as polypropylene. Polypropylene itself is flammable and can be burned if it is burned directly in a high fire. However, unlike paper, if you use a lighter to slowly approach the polypropylene layer, it will experience a phenomenon similar to melting and burning. This makes it easier to distinguish it from inferior paper.

"However, there is more than one kind of polymer with this phenomenon. Even if polypropylene is used, polypropylene non-woven fabrics with different molecular weights have different prices and performance. Generally speaking, the more expensive polypropylene raw materials The better the performance. Therefore, it is not possible to rule out the possibility that some unscrupulous vendors use low-quality polypropylene nonwoven materials to replace medical polypropylene. Therefore, this method of combustion detection cannot simply distinguish the authenticity of masks. "Zhang Yi said.

Wang Baojun, director of the National Textile Quality Inspection Center, also said that the middle layer of the disposable medical mask being tested was taken out, and it must be a fake; if it was n’t, it was not necessarily the real one. If it is not clicked, it produces a melting effect. It cannot be proved that the intermediate layer is made of meltblown non-woven fabric. Nor can it prove that the mask is a disposable medical mask with a virus protection effect.