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Matches and sporting events in Italy: all in camera until April 3 - France 24

3/4/2020, 9:21:11 PM

Matches and sporting events in Italy: all in camera until April 3

Rome (AFP)

All sports competitions, including football matches, will be held behind closed doors in Italy until April 3, according to a decree signed Wednesday by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

"All sporting events and competitions of all types, whether private or public, remain authorized" but "in sports facilities used behind closed doors, namely in the open air but without the presence of the public", states the decree.

The government also asks in its decree to sports associations and clubs to carry out through their medical staff "the appropriate controls to contain the risk of spread of the virus among athletes, coaches, leaders and all accompanying persons".

The measures that will apply from publication in the official journal will be in effect until April 3.

Two Italian Cup matches have been postponed due to the coronavirus crisis in Italy: Juve-Milan on Wednesday evening and Naples-Inter scheduled for Thursday. No new date has been set for the moment for these matches.

© 2020 AFP

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