Teller Report

Casus Rodchenkova

3/4/2020, 3:42:17 PM

“All these conclusions, of course, have not been made now. From the very first report of McLaren, I wrote that all this is a special operation aimed at, let's say, "destabilize Putin." And since then, everything that happened around all this madness only confirmed the original version. Fake Rodchenkov’s signatures are just another fact on a long list of other facts that have long formed such a coherent picture that Petrov-Vodkin himself would have envied her. ”

The macOS operating system has a standard program for viewing and editing pictures. And it has an interesting function: you take a piece of paper, put your autograph on it, and then show this autograph to a computer camera. The program recognizes the signature and remembers it. Then you can put this signature on any image. For example, on scanned documents. Very comfortably. It is a pity that not a single accounting department in Moscow accepts contracts “signed” in this way. Be sure to give them a real signature.

But the International Olympic Committee believes that such a signature is OK. And that’s how he explained why, in nine letters from the “informant” Rodchenkov, the experts found fake signatures. True, experts said that the method described above explains only two of the nine signatures. But the seven others are just that fakes. That is, another person signed up for Rodchenkov, who tried to imitate his signature.

Well then. As people who knew everything in advance would say, “a crushing blow was dealt to the campaign.” Now we are talking about a special case: the Sports Arbitration Court is considering the disqualification of three Russian biathletes. But if the IOC submitted documents with fake signatures to this court, then the question arises for everything else that is part of the big “Russian doping case”.

And now, sorry for the tautology, the only question is whether such a question arises among international sports organizations.

And also (which is less important, but no less interesting) does this notorious Rodchenkov even exist in the world of the living. And is he capable? Because if he is alive and capable, then it is completely impossible to understand why, when considering issues at such a high level, there was no courier who would call in with him with documents. And why did you have to fake signatures.

The story is very similar to what is happening with the notorious Skripals. Which is unclear whether there is any or not. And since we with a high degree of probability can assume that special services are involved in the Skripals, then by extrapolating this knowledge to other similar cases, we can assume that special services are also involved in Rodchenkov. And it’s not at all the International Olympic Committee, which in this case operates on what was given to him. And they gave him documents with fake signatures. And it is the IOC that looks like a rogue now (to be honest, it’s not a pity at all), but we don’t even know who makes the face a brick.

If we assume that special services are engaged in Rodchenkov, then we can make the following assumption: all this unprecedented run over to Russian sport is a big special operation. And since any special operation has some purpose, then let's take a look and try to determine this goal. Who in our country (after all, is it about Russian sport, isn’t it?) Can be the purpose of a special operation against Russian sport?

Who can you try to unbalance by depriving Russia of any sporting victories? That's it.

All these conclusions, of course, have not been made now. From the very first report of McLaren, I wrote that all this is a special operation aimed at, let's say, "destabilize Putin." And since then, everything that happened around all this madness only confirmed the original version. The fake signatures of Rodchenkov are just another fact in a long list of other facts that have long been formed into such a harmonious picture that Petrov-Vodkin himself would envy her.

However, it is equally important to understand that no matter how long the series of these facts may be, this will not lead to any change in the situation. Even national law enforcement machines have great difficulty reconsidering their own decisions. Because any such revised situation is a blow to reputation and prestige. That in Russia, that in any other country in the world - no matter how independent the judges are. What can we say about an invisible force, hardly even concentrated under one jurisdiction. No, the doping scandal is an injustice that will remain with us forever. And which we must never forget. Because in this doping scandal itself, it’s not only the attitude of the special services to a specific Putin. No, it contains the attitude of this whole so-called civilized world towards Russia and Russians. I really do not like the word "Russophobia", but it is in its pure form that it is.

The answer, I repeat for the thousandth time, should be our icy contempt for these insignificants. And our victories.

And those athletes who, unfortunately, fell under this rink, we must support privately. Which, unfortunately, often does not happen.

As for the traitor Rodchenkov himself (with whom, I note, it was not even possible to organize a video connection, which cries out at all), the very fact of his worthless existence on this earth, as we see, no longer matters. He is no longer needed.

And he is not at all sorry.

Because he chose it.

PS Already after I finished this text, a message appeared that the International Olympic Committee assured the Court of Arbitration for Sport that Rodchenkov’s signatures on the documents, which are the main evidence in the case, are authentic and made by Rodchenkov himself. Which only confirms my words that the organizers of all this shame even spit in the eyes. The expert opinion that the signatures are forged is against the statement on behalf of the one whose signatures are forged, that they are not forged. Also, by the way, signed. At which experts have not yet looked.

Because thimbles cannot be beaten.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.