Teller Report

In Paris, 49.3 does not disarm opponents of pension reform

3/3/2020, 5:54:50 PM

The road to final adoption of the reform promises to be long

The Parisian procession of March 3, 2020. - Thibault Camus / AP / SIPA

  • About 20,000 protesters (according to the unions) marched on Tuesday in Paris against the pension reform and the use of 49.3.
  • Far from discouraging, the use of this article of the Constitution strengthened the determination of those present in the procession.
  • A new day of demonstration is planned for March 31.

There was a bit of deja-vu on Tuesday, Place de la République, in Paris. Unions in a row of onions, a party procession and inventive banners against the pension reform, fought by the demonstrators for months. But unlike previous mobilizations, time is running out: the executive decided last weekend to use “49.3” to get part of its reform adopted more quickly in the National Assembly. The opposition immediately responded with motions of censure examined on Tuesday. But without a majority, it is impossible, for the left as for the right, to bring down the government.

Unsurprisingly, the use of this constitutional “weapon” of 49.3 goes very badly in the procession. "The government has failed to convince the public, so it is going strong," laments James. This 48-year-old labor inspector had seen the blow coming: "Whether with the ordinances on the Labor Code, the reform of unemployment insurance or the conference of financing on pensions, the executive never leaves really options for those with whom he negotiates. "

"The macronavirus has muddled people's minds"

For her part, Evelyne came to the Paris demonstration disguised as a clown. A way, according to her, to denounce "the beautiful antics" of the government, "who does not listen to the French". "49.3 is a way of saying to the people" don't talk anymore, you don't interest me ". It is a major political error ”. She mischievously concludes: "The macronavirus has confused people's minds".

The coronavirus inspired the demonstrators. - Nicolas Raffin / 20 Minutes

For Géraldine, a psychiatric nurse, it is Emmanuel Macron's desire to impose his pension reform at all costs which increases “social fever”, as a bright red banner proclaims. "I radicalized myself during the demonstrations," she explains. Social gains have rarely been conquered or defended peacefully. Revolt will only come if there is a mass movement ”. As if echoing his words, a parody of the revolutionary song "La Carmagnole" resounds in the procession: "Let's dance the Macrongnole, down with the sound of cash!" ".

A banner in the Parisian procession of March 3. - Nicolas Raffin / 20 Minutes

"Angry, but not resigned"

Even if only 20,000 people (according to the unions) marched on Tuesday in Paris - for comparison, the CGT claimed more than 300,000 people during the parade on January 9 - those present reject the idea of ​​demobilization linked to the 49.3. "We must not give in and do what seems legitimate to us," says Rachida. This retiree, who works part-time to supplement her pension of 800 euros monthly, says she is "very worried about democracy", with "a National Assembly which is no longer used for anything". "We must continue and not give up," says Géraldine.

A sign in the Parisian procession. - Nicolas Raffin / 20 Minutes

"I'm upset, but not resigned," says James. The labor inspector still wants to believe: "The whole project has not yet been voted on". Indeed, the National Assembly should start this week the examination of the “organic” law of the pension reform, providing in particular for a “golden rule” on the financial balance of the system. And the government will not be able to activate 49.3 again on this part of the text. He will also not be able to use it during the examination of the text in the Senate, scheduled for mid-April.

Nothing to cheer up Lou, a Parisian student who came to the demo with her sign "LREM Wars, episode 49.3: The macronist empire strikes back": "In addition to marching, there should have been a general strike as soon as the government announced 49.3, she believes. Demonstrations are not enough ”. A new day of action is planned by the unions on March 31, after the municipal elections.


Pension reform: CGT announces that it is leaving the financing conference


Pension reform: Two deputies leave the LREM group because of 49.3

  • Society
  • 49-3
  • Demonstration
  • Pension reform
  • Paris
  • Retirement
  • Emmanuel Macron