Teller Report

Coronavirus: theft of masks in series in hospitals in Paris and Marseille

3/3/2020, 8:48:56 PM

In recent days, 8,300 protective masks have been stolen in Parisian hospitals, and around 2,000 in Marseille. Hospitals say they have strengthened the security of their stocks. & Nbsp;

In recent days, 8,300 protective masks have been stolen in Parisian hospitals, and around 2,000 in Marseille. The hospitals say they have strengthened the security of their stocks.

Thousands of protective masks and bottles of hydroalcoholic gel, essential to stem the epidemic of coronavirus, have been stolen in recent days in public hospitals in Paris and Marseille, which have in response strengthened the security of their stocks.

8,300 masks stolen in Paris

In the capital, at least 8,300 masks and 1,200 bottles of hydroalcoholic solutions were stolen from several establishments of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), according to a provisional report released on Tuesday evening. "Theft of 2,000 masks (FFP2 and surgical)" was notably committed "between this weekend and Monday" at Bichat hospital, in the north of the capital, said the AP-HP, confirming information from the Duck Chained to appear Wednesday.

"A complaint was filed Monday" for the theft and "complaints will be made systematically" for the other facts, added the public institution. The satirical weekly reports thefts from three other Parisian sites, but for the time being the AP-HP "confirms the theft of mask cartons in several hospitals" while stressing that its count remains "not exhaustive at this stage" because "a census is underway in all its establishments".

"New orders have been placed"

Without waiting for the final assessment, "the sheltering of stocks has been reinforced and instructions ironed in all sites" of Paris Hospitals. Same reaction in the city of Marseille, where the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille (AP-HM) recognized the theft of around 2,000 surgical masks at the Conception Hospital.

The boxes of stolen masks were stored at the level of the central block of the establishment, access to which is reserved for authorized health personnel and operated patients, said management, confirming information from La Provence . An internal note was distributed to all staff in the block "to remind that the use of these masks is strictly reserved for professional exercise" and instructions were distributed throughout the AP-HM "in order to secure stocks (masks, hydroalcoholic solutions) and to prevent this type of incident from happening again. "

The management wanted to be reassuring, affirming that "the remaining stock was sufficient to ensure the activity of the block and (that) new orders had been placed for a rapid replenishment". It also "immediately launched an internal investigation to find the perpetrator (s)". When contacted, the police had not received any complaints.