Teller Report

European airlines stop moving on some routes

3/2/2020, 11:57:10 PM

In Europe, the spread of new coronavirus infections has reduced the number of airline passengers, and airlines have cut off some routes ...

8:50 on March 3

In Europe, the spread of new coronavirus infections has reduced the number of airline passengers and has caused airlines to stop operating some routes.

British Airways announced on Tuesday that it will discontinue some flights from 16 to 28 this month.

Cancellations have been decided on more than 400 flights between the United States and Europe, including flights between London and New York and flights between Italy, France, Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

Also, Europe's largest airline, Ryanair, announced that it will reduce its flights by 25%, mainly from Italy, for approximately three weeks from 17th this month to 8th August.

According to Ryanair, airline bookings have dropped sharply from late this month to early next month, especially on Italian flights.

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