Teller Report

EU and EU negotiations start

3/2/2020, 8:39:15 PM

EU = Britain has left the EU and the EU has begun negotiations on Tuesday to discuss future relations. Both sides over free trade agreements ...

EU and EU negotiations begin to be severely difficult on March 3 at 5:35 on March 3


EU = Britain has left the EU and the EU has begun negotiations on Tuesday to discuss future relations. There is a great gap between the two sides over free trade agreements, and negotiations are expected to be difficult.

The first negotiations between the EU and the UK, which has left the EU in January, to determine future relations will begin at EU headquarters in Brussels in two to four days, with both chief negotiators Barnier and Frost. Mr. met.

The negotiations will discuss eleven areas, including transportation and fishing, as well as energy and justice cooperation.

In the largest focus of trade, the EU aims to enter into free trade agreements with no tariffs or quotas, and the UK and the UK have the same level of regulation to maintain the same level of competitiveness. Is required.

In response, the British repeatedly stated that they "would like to have the best trade relations with the EU" but "will not trade in sovereignty" and are not bound by EU regulations.

The two sides will continue to discuss about twice a month, but the gap is still large and the remaining time is until the end of the transition period after the withdrawal. Negotiations are expected to be difficult.

Many challenges await

There are many challenges awaiting negotiations on a future relationship between the EU and the United Kingdom.

Issue 1 Regulation Equalization

Both sides agree that they want to enter into a free trade agreement.

However, the EU is premised on establishing the same level of regulation as the EU in the fields of environmental standards and taxation in order to ensure fair competition, and this is the biggest issue.

If the UK unilaterally eases regulations, it will increase the price competitiveness of UK products and pose a major threat to companies in the EU.

The UK, on ​​the other hand, claims that it is already at or above the EU in many areas, such as environmental regulations, and is not bound by the EU.

Mr. Johnson has repeatedly "regained sovereignty" and has not broken his hard-line stance.

Task 2 Fishery

In addition, fierce conflict is expected over fishing.

Currently, fisheries in France and the Netherlands are allowed to fish in British waters based on the EU's common fishing policy.

France and the Netherlands have argued that they should be able to continue fishing in British waters, and the EU is seeking to maintain the status quo.

On the other hand, on the UK side, the waters are managed by the UK, and in the future it is necessary to negotiate every year to determine the amount of catch, etc., and we will not allow the current status to be maintained.

The British coastal waters are known as rich fishing grounds, and both are willing to take a step.

Issue 3 Short negotiation period

In addition to these conflicts in each field, the short negotiating period is also a challenge.

After the British withdrawal, there is a transitional period from 1st of last month to avoid sudden changes due to the withdrawal, but the negotiation period between both sides is decided to end this transitional period and until the end of December .

Moreover, both parliaments need to ratify by the end of the year, and the effective negotiation period is expected to be about nine months.

The transition period can be extended by both parties, and the EU states that it should be extended.

However, the United Kingdom stated that the transitional period would not be extended, saying that "we will achieve complete economic and political independence in January next year", and that the final agreement with the EU will be reached by September. If there is no progress in the negotiations, we are willing to end the negotiations in June.

If the transition period is not extended and a free trade agreement cannot be concluded, various confusions are expected, such as the imposition of customs duties between January and January and resumption of customs inspections from January.

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