Teller Report

A school in Valencia asks 12-year-old students if they have committed adultery or practiced homosexuality

3/2/2020, 8:24:15 PM

"Have I committed adultery or fornicating? Have I seen any type of pornography? Have I practiced homosexuality? Have I practiced masturbation?" These are some of the questions that

"Have I committed adultery or fornicating? Have I seen any type of pornography? Have I practiced homosexuality? Have I practiced masturbation?" These are some of the questions that are included in a questionnaire distributed in the subject of Religion to the students of First of the ESO of the center established Colegio Immaculate Heart of Mary of Valencia.

The questions, formulated to make students reflect on whether they comply with the Sixth Commandment (You will not commit impure acts) has caused great controversy and the Department of Education has taken action. The first has been to send the Educational Inspection to the center to gather information before the distribution of a material that it considers "totally inappropriate" .

The Ministry considers that the questionnaire "threatens the privacy" of the students, against the Valencian Law of LGBTI people, and against the law 26/2018 on the rights and guarantees of children and adolescents, something that the spokesperson for Compromís has also denounced in the Cortes, Fran Ferri.

"Attentive fund against human rights based on values ​​of respect for privacy, diversity and plurality," sources from the Ministry to EFE. In addition, the Immaculate Heart of Mary College is a concerted center, therefore "supported by public funds and has the obligation to teach the official curriculum established for each subject, " and these contents do not fit the subject of Religion . "

The first to alert the department led by Vicent Marzà were a group of families, who expressed their complaints to the cloister for the material that the teacher of Religion had sent their 12-year-old sons and daughters within the agenda on which I would examine them.

Education reminds families that, in similar cases, make their complaints in writing to the inspection or by checking in at the center itself so that it is known that this situation has occurred in the classrooms.

School apologies

Faced with the controversy generated by the dissemination of this questionnaire, the management of the educational center has issued a statement in which it apologizes for not knowing how to respond to its “inclusive and inclusive” Christian educational project on this occasion, and states that they will take the timely measures to prevent "such errors."

"We hope that this isolated event does not become an excuse to attack the subject of Religion and Catholic education," says the school, which thanks parents who have sent them their "discomfort", because that "helps them improve ".

The center insists that it will put all its "effort" so that "this type of mistakes" are not repeated again, that can be identified "with a lack of respect for some life options and that have nothing to do with our conception of the human being. "

In addition, he states that the teacher has recognized before the students to whom he sent the questionnaire that this was "inappropriate", and asks the parents that "the trust achieved in so many years in the service of education in Valencia is not broken by this circumstance".

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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