Teller Report

World Notebooks - 03/01/2020

3/1/2020, 2:09:15 PM

Hear the world change with Sophie Larmoyer. Around the world, Europe 1 reporters and correspondents explore and tell the daily life of other cultures, their perception of current events and of our country. Long-format reports and fascinating guests. A sound journey to open the mind and discover the unknown.

Hear the world change with Sophie Larmoyer. Around the world, Europe 1 reporters and correspondents explore and tell the daily life of other cultures, their perception of current events and of our country. Long-format reports and fascinating guests. A sound journey to open the mind and discover the unknown.

Around the world of coronavirus

The epidemic continues to spread. We talk a lot about China, Italy, and France of course. And in the rest of the world, how do countries take their precautions? This week, a world tour of the coronavirus in five destinations…

  • In Japan

Used to protective masks and disinfectant gels, it is without doubt the most hygienic country in the world. But Japan is worried about this health crisis. Its population is old and crowds are frequent, so the Japanese are extra careful. Decryption of Bernard Delattre , correspondent in Tokyo.

  • In Ivory Coast

Since the beginning of the epidemic, the African continent has been designated as potentially vulnerable to the virus. In Abidjan, in Ivory Coast, we remember the measures taken to deal with the Ebola haemorrhagic fever ... Reinforced controls at airports, non-repatriation of Ivorian students stranded in Wuhan: the country is organizing in the face of the threat. Explanations from Christelle Pire , correspondent in Abidjan.

  • In Afghanistan

It is especially via the neighboring country, Iran, strongly affected by the virus that we fear the contagion. Because in a country at war, with a poor health system, it would be almost impossible to cope with the virus if it spreads. Decryption of Margaux Benn , correspondent in Kabul.

  • In Russia

Authorities have taken drastic measures to deal with the Coronavirus epidemic, including closing its borders with China. In this climate of paranoia, absurd and arbitrary measures have been taken, while the population remains poorly informed about health recommendations. Explanations from Elena Volochine , correspondent in Moscow.

  • In California

In Costa Mesa, near Los Angeles in California, people potentially carrying the coronavirus are not welcome. The local authorities of this city refuse to host a quarantine center. And even go to court to oppose it. Update with California correspondent Aviva Fried .

A book in the world

This short novel received the Akutagawa Prize, the "Japanese Goncourt". We are in the North-East of Japan, a mountainous region where trout are caught in an artisanal way in rivers. The narrator, Imano, takes a passion for this "Toc fishing", at the heart of the book. A poetic invitation to nature and solitude. A story of friendship, too, in a region affected by the Tsunami in 2011…

"Toc fishing in the Tokohu" by Numata Shinsuke, published by Picquier.

Iran: Conservative victory amid spread of virus

While the Conservatives are arriving in force in Parliament, the regime is accused of having hidden the emergence of the coronavirus so as not to disrupt the elections.

In a context of tension with Washington, the American sanctions weigh heavily on tourism, a key sector in Iran.

Iranian civil rights activists will have to deal with the fundamentalists. Among them women, very advanced in the country. Shaparak Shajarizadeh is one of them: she had to flee her country and testifies on Europe 1.

Report and decryption of Jean-Sébastien Soldaini , special envoy to Tehran.

Guest: Shaparak Shajarizadeh , Iranian activist forced into exile for having removed her veil in public, author of "Liberty is not a Crime" published by Plon.

Israel: 3rd election in 10 months!

For the third time in less than a year, the Israelis return to the polls. The campaign came down to a race to the right, which will have to decide between the centrist Benny Ganz and Benjamin Netanyahu, implicated in three corruption cases and for whom these elections are crucial.

Report from Clothilde Mraffko , correspondent in Israel

Decryption with our guest, the Middle East specialist Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, president of IreMMo , the Mediterranean Middle East Research and Studies Institute.

Travel to Autistan

Josef Schovanec , philosopher-traveler and autistic sprinkler, shares with us his look on the world, a little different ...

This week, he wonders about this fear of others, coming from another time and which settles down when a virus walks around…