Teller Report

Things are not going randomly in the Emirates.

3/1/2020, 10:08:09 PM

With every global crisis, the Western media appears in its worst forms, and its worst forms, motivated by the malice and hatred that it harms towards us, so deliberately intensifying the news in a dismal and negative way, even though everyone knows for sure that we have never been a party to these crises, and we were not the cause of the crisis.

With every global crisis, the Western media appears in its worst forms, and its worst forms, motivated by the malice and hatred that they harbor towards us, so deliberately intensifying the news in a dismal and negative way, even though everyone knows for sure that we have never been a party to these crises, and we were not a reason in the financial crisis Universality, and we have nothing to do from near or far with the emergence and spread of "Corona", but they are the malice and the blind jealousy and using them to reverse the facts!

We are like all the countries of the world, nothing different from them, as they are exposed to global crises, and the arrival of diseases and viruses transcontinental, we are a global link point between the continents of the world, and our country is a favorite destination for millions of tourists and visitors from the west and east of the globe, so it is not surprising that a virus ever reaches us It appeared in China, and it is not a shame to announce infected cases. Rather, we have the right to be proud that our equipment, preparations and precautionary measures are one of the best global practices in this field. More importantly, we deal with the problem with transparency, clarity and unprecedented interest.

Nevertheless, these disinterested people start beating under the belt, and in a malicious manner, and they imagine the matter as if its negative repercussions do not exist except here, to link the spread of the disease and the losses of some companies, and between it and future plans and projects, and they start doubting and intimidating, and inflating each small number, forgetting that this virus has affected In the movement of growth of the entire global economy, the Chinese economy, which is the second most important and strongest in the world, has been exhausted, and has led to a decline in the level of the economies of tens and dozens of countries in the world.

Last February, Barcelona canceled the Mobile World Congress, the largest annual event for phones, in which various companies competed to present their best new devices and technologies, and hundreds of thousands of people participated, and this exhibition has never been canceled since It started 32 years ago, it happened in complete calm, and the Western media did not bother to exaggerate that matter, but perhaps the exhibition and conference was canceled only by specialists, interested and owners of companies, and there are many other events, exhibitions and other international conferences in various countries of the world, and faced the same fate , And no one spoke about it, so the sane person Equitable, non-politicized, or overlooked realize that this is normal and expected under current global conditions.

Except those whose hearts are filled with sickness and envy, they left all of that and started talking about "Expo 2020 Dubai", injecting it into every news story, and they stalk and hunt every opportunity to cast his name on the topic, even though the talk is still early on when the exhibition will be held, and all indicators and expectations go That the world will succeed in eliminating the Corona virus in a few months.

To these and others, we confirm what the officials of the "Expo" mentioned, for the safety of all visitors of the "Expo 2020 Dubai" is of the utmost importance, and everyone here in the Emirates works closely with the Ministry of Health and Community Protection to implement the health and safety guidelines that it provides continuously, and "Expo" »It will not open its doors to visitors before October of this year, and until that date everyone continues to follow the developments of the situation closely, and everyone hopes that the global efforts will culminate in containing the virus successfully.

Things are very clear, and we have nothing to hide in the Emirates, and we have leaders and officials ready to face the most difficult challenges, and all possibilities, they do not let things go randomly without planning and without preparation and preparation, they know how and when to act without interference, guardianship or theorizing from anyone .. so can you be a little silent!

twitter @ samialreyami

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