Teller Report

Coronavirus: two children aged 1 and 5 infected in Alsace

3/1/2020, 4:48:15 PM

In France, a 9-year-old child was already among a group of Britons contaminated by a compatriot returning from Singapore. According to a study by the Chinese authorities, there are no deaths worldwide among children under the age of 10, yet vulnerable to infectious diseases. & Nbsp;

In France, a 9-year-old child was already among a group of Britons contaminated by a compatriot returning from Singapore. According to a study by the Chinese authorities, there are no deaths worldwide among children under the age of 10, yet vulnerable to infectious diseases.

Two children aged 1 and 5 and their 27-year-old mother have been infected with the coronavirus and are hospitalized together in Strasbourg, the Grand Est regional health agency (ARS) and the regional prefecture announced in a joint statement on Sunday. .

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Sunday March 1st

"Currently hospitalized in Strasbourg"

"A 27-year-old woman and her two children (1 year and 5 years old) from Haut-Rhin are currently hospitalized at the Strasbourg University Hospital," said the prefecture and the ARS, announcing a total of four new cases. contamination by Covid-19 in Alsace. The fourth case is a 32-year-old woman, companion of a 36-year-old man hospitalized since the beginning of the week in Strasbourg after having stayed in Lombardy. The state of health of this woman like that of the other patients "does not inspire concern", according to the prefecture and the ARS.

The 32-year-old patient, hospitalized since Saturday, "had already been confined to her home for several days, which has reduced the risk of spreading the virus," they said. "For the next few days, these patients will remain in isolation at the Strasbourg University Hospital to benefit from (...) monitoring and medical treatment," they said. A list of people with whom they "have had close contact since the onset of their symptoms" has been drawn up, again according to the ARS and the prefecture.

No deaths to be reported among children under 10

In France, a 9-year-old child was already among a group of Britons contaminated by a compatriot returning from Singapore whom they had encountered in a chalet in Contamines-Montjoie (Haute-Savoie). According to a study by the Chinese authorities on 45,000 confirmed cases, published on February 24 by the American medical journal Jama, there are no deaths among children under 10, yet vulnerable to infectious diseases.