Teller Report

Wuhan gives priority to caring vegetables from other provinces and cities

2/29/2020, 10:48:37 AM

On February 29, Hubei Province held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control. Wuhan Deputy Mayor Xu Honglan introduced that Wuhan is going all out to do a good job of helping the needy. Through government subsidies, it organized Zhongbai, Wushang, Wal-Mart, Carrefour and other business super enterprises, and launched 10 catties and 10 yuan vegetables for low-income groups. It also donates materials such as caring vegetables donated to Wuhan by other provinces and cities to give priority to the needy people, give full play to the role of community cadres and volunteers, and help the elderly and disabled people purchase and deliver.

Editor-in-chief: [Tao Guangxiong]

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