Teller Report

Villefand called this winter in Moscow super-warm

2/29/2020, 2:54:37 PM

The supervisor of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia Roman Vilfand said that this winter in Moscow has become the warmest for the entire period of meteorological observations.

“In Moscow, this winter turned out to be super warm,” Wilfanda quotes TASS.

He recalled that until this winter "the record of 59 years ago remained relevant: from December 1, 1960 to February 29, 1961, the average temperature was minus 2.8 ° С."

“Now the temperature is above this record by about 2.5 ° C,” said the weather forecaster.

He also said that "we can confidently say that such a warm winter will not be for a long time."

Earlier, the chief weather forecaster of St. Petersburg, Alexander Kolesov, in an interview with Nation News, assessed the prospects of weather anomalies.