Teller Report

VIDEO. Apple is very strict on product placement rules

2/29/2020, 12:24:25 PM

The director of "A Couteaux Tirés" describes the requirements of the apple brand

Director Rian Johnson - Sarah Stewart / Starface

In A Couteaux Tirées, you can see many characters using iPhones on the screen. But as director Rian Johnson told Vanity Fair, not all of the protagonists could use the famous smartphone.

"I don't know if I should say that or not," he said. Not because it's confidential or something like that, but because it will play tricks on me for the next mystery film I'm going to write. Apple, they let you use iPhones in movies, but it's crucial, if you ever watch a mystery movie, to know that villains can't have iPhones on the screen, "he said. .

Big spoiler

The problem with this revelation is that Rian Johnson has just completely spoiled his film, and probably his sequel!

But to see the nice score that A Couteaux Tiré made at the box office - $ 300 million in revenue for a budget of $ 40 million - that should not have many consequences. We will in any case know that we must always look at the phones of the characters in the thrillers to become who is the culprit!


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  • Cinema
  • Director
  • Apple
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