Teller Report

Sisters in Dazhou, Sichuan Province set up a shack in the mountains to continue "tracing the net" continued: The network signal has been resolved and they have returned home to study

2/29/2020, 10:06:54 AM

(Fighting New Crown Pneumonia) Sisters in Dazhou, Sichuan Province set up a "net chase" in the mountains.

China News Network, Chengdu, February 29th (Reporter Zhang Lang) Recently, a news in Dazhou, Sichuan Province, "sisters were unable to go online for lessons due to weak signals at home, and his father set up a field to help him" chasing the net "for lessons." The reporter learned on the 29th that the problem of weak network signals at the sisters' homes has been properly resolved, and they have now returned to their homes for online classes.

Hu Xinyue's plastic shed for "tracing the net". Photo by Telecom

An extremely simple plastic shed with two benches in it, two middle school students immersed themselves in hard study ... They live in Group 5 of Gaomiao Village, Jingshi Town, Dachuan District, Dazhou, Sichuan Province. Sister Hu Xinyue, a student of Dazhou Middle School, did not receive a signal due to family signals Well, in order to be able to take online live broadcast classes, a temporary plastic shed was set up in a field on a nearby hillside to study.

The Hu Xinyue sisters live on the mountain in Gaomiao Village, Jingshi Town, Dachuan District, Dazhou City. Due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, school has been postponed and they cannot attend school. They can only listen to online classes online. Due to the poor mobile phone signal deep in the mountains, the diligent and hardworking sisters asked their father to drive them to the town to use the wireless network. Later, when his father was going to work, the sisters thought of a way to leave the home and find the Internet. They searched back and forth near their home and finally found a mobile phone signal on the hillside. Then they found plastic film and some bamboo poles, and set up a "tent classroom" by themselves. The sisters listen to online lessons every day in this special classroom.

The network engineer came to the sisters' home to optimize the network. Photo by Telecom

After learning that the two sisters Hu Xinyue had difficulties in online classes, Feng Qing, general manager of the sales center in Dachuan, China Telecom's Dazhou branch, led the wireless network technicians to the sisters' home on the 28th to solve the problem of poor signal at home for them.

The network engineer optimized and upgraded the network, and also replaced the Chinese electric signal card for the sisters. The mobile phone signal was tested on site to ensure that the mobile phone signal was stable, the video viewing was smooth, and the students could study online.

Bid farewell to the mountain to set up a "net chase" and return to the Internet class at home. Photo by Telecom

"This is great. We don't have to read in the tent anymore! Thank you Uncle and Aunt." Sister Hu Xinyue left the tent and returned home. After trying the Internet, she happily said that she would read well in the future, give back to society, and return. People who care about them. After the network signal was resolved, Dazhou Middle School also sent the teaching assistants and epidemic prevention and control materials needed for the online classes to the sisters Hu Xinyue to solve their worries. (Finish)