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Publishing Industry Under the Epidemic: Online Epidemic-related Readings Published

2/29/2020, 5:45:25 PM Client, Beijing, March 1st (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Since the beginning of the new crown pneumonia outbreak in early 2020, some industries have been affected to varying degrees, and the book publishing industry is one of them. Some publishers said that the book publishing cycle is slightly longer than before.

In addition, in order to help the epidemic prevention and control, many publishing houses have launched related publications on epidemic prevention and control, such as various protection knowledge reading books, protection manuals, psychological self-help manuals, etc., and made efforts online to provide readers with electronic content for free.

New book cover of "Professor Zhang Wenhong's Advice on Prevention and Control of New Coronaviruses". Photo courtesy of Shanghai Science and Technology Press

As early as January 23, Guangdong Science and Technology Press published the "Protection of New Coronavirus Infection", which includes chapters such as common sense and prevention, which introduce the clinical manifestations of the disease and precautions in public places.

According to Zhu Yi, deputy director of the marketing department of Shanghai Science and Technology Press, the digital version 1.0 of "Professor Zhang Wenhong's Recruitment and Prevention of New Coronaviruses" was launched on February 2; on February 8, the paper version 2.0 of the book Go live at the same time as the digital version.

According to incomplete statistics, from January 23 to the present, there are many epidemic-related prevention and control measures such as the "Handbook of Prevention of New Coronavirus Pneumonia", "Readers of Knowledge on Protection of New Coronavirus Pneumonia" and "Handbook of Protection of New Coronavirus Pneumonia" Books are published.

In addition, there are a number of publications focusing on people's mental health during the epidemic. For example, "Guidebook for Mental Health in the Pneumonia Epidemic of New Coronavirus Infection", "Psychological Self-help Manual for Anti-New Coronary Pneumonia" and so on.

Zhu Miaojin, director of the editor-in-chief office of East China Normal University Press, said: "We have been using the ERP system since 2009, and basically realized the whole process of publishing approval and circulation on the system, and the home office process has basically no impact."

She gave an example: during the epidemic prevention and control period, the publishing house has not resumed work, relying on the ERP system and the collaboration of various departments, it has realized the entire process of two books from planning to publishing.

"Typesetting plants and printing plants have not yet resumed work due to different local regulations, but there are still staff on duty, and printing plants are also undertaking emergency anti-epidemic tasks." Zhu Miaojin said that due to the epidemic, the book publishing cycle was slightly longer than before.

It is worth noting that publishers have done their best to provide readers with free resources such as high-quality e-books and audio books.

E-books such as "Protection of New Coronavirus Infection", "Professor Zhang Wenhong's Prevention and Control of New Coronavirus", "Guide to Public Protection of New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia" and other e-book contents can be read for free.

People's Publishing House launched the e-book on the theme book "A Hundred Years of China Vaccines" in advance, and has been launched on many digital platforms such as Learning Power, Palm Reader, Amazon and People's Publishing House Reading Club, and is free for public reading.

Zhu Miaojin introduced that the e-book of the Manual on Psychological Protection for Primary and Middle School Students and Parents During the Epidemic Prevention Period was also released online on February 7, and the audiobook was launched on the Himalayas simultaneously.

Booklet of "Psychological Protection Handbook for Primary and Middle School Students and Parents During the Epidemic". Photo courtesy of East China Normal University Press

Liu Chengyong, the director of the Chinese version of the library, said in an interview with the media that there are currently more than 140 topics related to the new crown pneumonia registered in the publication data center, covering scientific knowledge, epidemic prevention and control, fitness and epidemic prevention, related laws and regulations, and literary works. and many more.

Because of the need for epidemic prevention and control, readers also consciously travel less. According to the data provided by the open book, many digital content platforms have reported that only around the Spring Festival this year, the number of new users has increased by more than 20% compared with the general period, and even the number of new users on the platform has increased by more than 300 compared with the general period. %.

At the same time as the number of new users has increased, the average number of daily active users has also increased by 10% -30%, and the length of user use has also increased significantly.

The data also shows that the recent reading and content usage of users on major platforms is mostly in literature, biography, social science, and scientific knowledge. In addition, literary works related to the epidemic and books related to basketball superstar Kobe are also topics of recent user attention.

The relevant person in charge of the open book said that the sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic will indeed bring cash flow pressure and other problems to the book publishing industry, and may also include the impact on the confidence of follow-up readers and business operations. "But the epidemic will eventually pass and the book retail market will eventually pass. The future will also come from the efforts of every institution and every practitioner in the industry. "(End)